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circuitry - Distributed Circuit Breakers for Go

If you have a distributed task queue that is multi-tenant and you want circuit breakers around a tenant's jobs in that queue, existing Go circuit breakers are only useful if you retry that job in the current worker in the context of the existing task. However, that can lead to requiring very low numbers of retries and not being able to backoff each time you retry the task because those circuit breakers cannot store state elsewhere and retrieve it at the start. Otherwise, if you use an exponential backoff with a large number of retries, this one task can consume a great deal of that one worker's time leading to starvation amongst other tenants' tasks.

Example Usage

  1. Start by choosing a storage provider. Circuitry comes with two providers by default:

    Once you've configured your chosen backend client, you'll want to set that in your Circuit Breaker Factory's Settings

import (


func CreateCircuitBreakerFactory(backend circuitry.StorageBackender, logger log.Logger) (*circuitry.CircuitBreakerFactory, error) {
    settings, err := circuitry.NewFactorySettings(
        circuitry.WithNameFunc(func(baseName string, circuitContext map[string]any) string {
            tenantId := circuitContext["tenant_id"] // For demonstration purposes, I strongly suggest this be a stable id
            return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", name, tenantId)
        circuitry.WithAllowAfter(30 * time.Minute),
        circuitry.WithCyclicClearAfter(12 * time.Hour),
        circuitry.WithStateChangeCallback(func(name string, circuitContext map[string]any, from, to circuitry.CircuitState) {
                WithFields(circuitContext). // Ensure no sensitive information is logged here
                    "name": name,
                    "from": from.String(),
                    "to": to.String(),
                }).Debug("state transition")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return circuitry.NewCircuitBreakerFactory(settings), nil

func TenantContext(id string) map[string]any {
    return map[string]any{
        "tenant_id": id,
        // Include your other context

func Work() (any, error) {
    // Do your work here
    return struct{}{}, nil

func main() {
    // Setup your backend and logger
    factory := CreateCircuitBreakerFactory(backend, logger)
    tenantIDs := []string{
        // IDs
    for _, tenantID := range tenantIDs {
        tenantCtx := TenantContext(tenantID)
        breaker := factory.BreakerFor("do-work-example", tenantCtx)
        result, workErr, err := breaker.Execute(Work)
        if errors.Is(err, circuitry.ErrCircuitBreakerOpen) {
            logger.WithField("tenant_id", tenantID).Warn("circuit already open")
        if err != nil {
            logger.WithError(err).WithField("tenant_id", tenantID).Error("circuit breaker could not start work")
        if workErr != nil {
            logger.WithError(err).WithField("tenant_id", tenantID).Error("work function failed")
        logger.WithField("tenant_id", tenantID).Debug("finished work function successfully")

Some of this has been simplified for demonstration purposes.

Why make this?

I've had experience in the past with distributed circuit breakers in other languages. I needed one for a project I'm working on in Go and couldn't find one that already existed and there did not appear to be anyway to adapt existing circuit breaker implementations to store and retrieve state from a remote backend. As a result, I implemented the pattern for myself with great inspiration from go-breaker as explained in the Credits.


Much of the design of this library was informed by The significant differences are as follows:

  • Representation of the internal state of the circuit breaker to allow it to be stored/retrieved

  • Naming of some constants to make it clearer what they are

  • Fix bug in transitions from Half-Open to Open state where generation is incremented and counts are reset incorrectly

  • Interfaces for storing the state remotely to create a distributed circuit breaker

  • A single interface rather than two interfaces (e.g., instead of a CircuitBreaker and TwoStepCircuitBreaker, one gets a single interface)

  • Default implementations for many things

  • Options Function style configuration


  • Add logging to core module areas that make most sense

  • Ensure that we have good primitives and interfaces

    • Does it make sense to rely on sync.Locker or should we have locks with heartbeats that can expire if the breaker doesn't keep it alive?
  • Ensure that the documentation is sufficient

  • Add more examples

  • Do we need metrics that this package would expose?