An automated deployment of SUSE CaaS Platform (Kubernetes) v4.5 for testing.
This project is a work in progress and will be cleaned up after some testing and feedback. Feel free to open issues and/or submit PRs.
- (1-2) Load balancers
- (1-3) Masters
- (1-5) Workers
- (1) Storage node setup with an NFS export for the nfs-client storage provisioner
- (1) Kubernetes Dashboard deployment
- (1) MetalLB instance
- (1) Optional Rook / Ceph / SES setup
- You're running openSUSE Tumbleweed or Leap 15+
- You have at least 8GB of RAM to spare
- You have the ability to run VMs with KVM
- You have an internet connection (images pull from internet, box comes from
- DNS works on your system hosting the virtual machines (if getent hosts `hostname -s` hangs, you will encounter errors)
- You enjoy troubleshooting :P
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 # has had issues pulling via IPv6
git clone
cd vagrant-caasp
# Install dependent packages and configure vagrant-libvirt
# Make sure ip forwarding is enabled for the proper interfaces
# Fresh vagrant-libvirt setup
virsh net-create ./libvirt_setup/vagrant-libvirt.xml
# _OR_ if you already have the vagrant-libvirt network
# Update host firewall (if applicable)
# Find the latest box at
vagrant box add vagrant-caasp \<box>
# _OR_
# wget/curl the box and 'vagrant box add vagrant-caasp </path/to/box>'
# Become root (su), then
echo "someuser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >/etc/sudoers.d/someuser
visudo -c -f /etc/sudoers.d/someuser
# Add user to libvirt group
usermod --append --groups libvirt someuser
su - someuser
vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt
# ssh-keygen if you don't have one already
ssh-copy-id root@localhost
# Add any boxes (if you have boxes installed as other users, you'll need to add them here)
vagrant box add [boxname] /path/to/boxes
Examine the config.yml to view the model to choose for the size of each VM. The config.yml configures the amount of RAM and CPUs for each type of vm as well as the number of vms for each type: master, workers, load balancers, storage
The current model list is minimal, small, medium, large
must be run as either root
or sles
# Initial deployment
cd vagrant-caasp
./ -m <model> < --full > < -a >
# -a will deploy air-gap/registry mirror settings prior to SUSE CaaSP cluster deployment
# --full will attempt to bring the machines up and deploy the cluster.
# Please adjust your memory settings in the config.yml for each machine type.
# Do not run vagrant up, unless you know what you're doing and want the result
Usage [options..]
-m, --model <model> Which config.yml model to use for vm sizing
Default: "minimal"
-f, --full attempt to bring the machines up and deploy the cluster
-a, --air-gapped Setup CaaSP nodes with substitute registries (for deployment and/or private image access)
-i, --ignore-memory Don't prompt when over allocating memory
-t, --test Do a dry run, don't actually deploy the vms
-v, --verbose [uint8] Verbosity level to pass to skuba -v (default is 1)
-h,-?, --help Show help
Once you have a CaaSP cluster provisioned you can start and stop that cluster by using the
Usage [options..] [command]
-v, --verbose Make the operation more talkative
-h,-?, --help Show help and exit
start start a previosly provisioned cluster
stop stop a running cluster
dashboardInfo get Dashboard IP, PORT and Token
monitoringInfo get URLs and credentials for monitoring stack
After running -m <model>
without the --full option, do the following.
vagrant ssh caasp4-master-1
sudo su - sles
cd /vagrant/deploy
# source this
source ./
# skuba init
# skuba bootstrap (setup caasp4-master-1)
# add extra masters (if masters > 1)
# add workers
# setup helm
# wait for tiller to come up... Can take a few minutes.
# add NFS storage class (via helm)
# add Kubernetes Dashboard
# add MetalLB
vagrant ssh caasp4-master-1
sudo su - sles
cd /vagrant/deploy
# For rook, you must deploy with a model that has a tag with _rook.
# See config.yml large_rook for example.
# This will handle all setup and configuration for you.
# Currently the default storage class will remain NFS.
# To make SES your default storage class:
# To see status:
# To use CephFS you must create pools and a filesystem associated.
# To quickly set it up for use and testing you can execute this script
# Example cephfs app at /vagrant/rook/examples/test-cephfs-webserver.yaml
(details to be documented)
(details to be documented)