The goal of this webapplication is to create a platform where sport enthusiasts can meet with others very easy. From our own experiences we know that it can be difficult to find a suitable sport buddy or just some hobby sport people. With this application, we created a place to share sport with different people without loosing our flexibility or being bound to another person.
A live version can be found here: Fitbuddy
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
You need a environment that can handle sbt projects. We recommend using Intelij. You also need to have sbt installed to run the application.
Clone the repository to your preferred folder.
git clone
You also need to have a PostgreSQL database on Heroku. Set the following system environment variable on your computer:
DATABASE_URL = your_database_url_from_heroku_with_user_and_password
You will have to update this value when Heroku cycles your database credentials. This will not be necessary on the Heroku server later when you deployed your application. If you wish not to use a deployed database, you will have to use a local PostgreSQL database and provide the needed information in conf/application.conf. The needed information is in comments, so it is easy to switch.
Now import the project to your environment. To start the app just run:
sbt run
The app should now be available on: http://localhost:9000
(**) GET /
- Response: index.html
(*) GET /fitbuddies
- Response: fitbuddies.html
(*) GET /myprofile
- Response: myprofile.html
(*) GET /myevents
- Response: myevents.html
(**) GET /api/event
- Response logged in:
id: 1,
category: {
id: 1,
title: "Fussball"
creator: {
id: 3,
description: "Bester Basler Export",
firstName: "Roger",
lastName: "Federer",
fullName: "Roger Federer",
email: "fedi@ch",
avatarUrl: "",
providerId: "facebook",
authUserId: "632318664554645",
categories: [{
id: 3,
title: "Tennis"
id: 5,
title: "Sonstiges"
description: "Fussballspielen mit Profis",
date: "12.09.2018",
nrOfPlayers: 22,
coordinateX: 12.3456789,
coordinateY: 98.7654321
- Response not logged in:
id: 1,
category: {
id: 1,
title: "Fussball"
creator: null,
description: null,
date: null,
nrOfPlayers: 22,
coordinateX: 12.3456789,
coordinateY: 98.7654321
(*) GET /api/event/:id
- Params Required:
- Response logged in:
id: 1,
category: {
id: 1,
title: "Fussball"
creator: {
id: 3,
description: "Bester Basler Export",
firstName: "Roger",
lastName: "Federer",
fullName: "Roger Federer",
email: "fedi@ch",
avatarUrl: "",
providerId: "facebook",
authUserId: "632318664554645",
categories: [{
id: 3,
title: "Tennis"
id: 5,
title: "Sonstiges"
description: "Fussballspielen mit Profis",
date: "12.09.2018",
nrOfPlayers: 22,
coordinateX: 12.3456789,
coordinateY: 98.7654321,
interested: [
participants: []
- Response not logged in: Status Code 303, redirect to the login page
(*) POST /api/event
- Example Request:
let event = {
description: "testDescription",
category: {
id: 1,
title: "Fussball" // Not necessary unless you want to use the entire event in the response
creator: {
id: 1
date: 2018-12-12,
nrOfPlayers: 22,
coordinateX: 47.5585247,
coordinateY: 9.2545698
type: "POST",
url: url + "/api/event",
data: JSON.stringify(event),
contentType: "application/json",
dataType: 'json'
The response contains the posted event
- Response not logged in: Status Code 303, redirect to the login page
(*) PUT /api/event/:id
an event can only be updated by its creator!
Params Required:
Example Request:
same as the POST event request
- Response not logged in: Status Code 303, redirect to the login page
(*) DELETE /api/event/:id
only the creator can delete his events
- Response logged in: Status Code 200
- Response not logged in: Status Code 303, redirect to the login page
(*) GET /api/joinEvent/:id
Only the Id of the User calling the Request will be put into the interested array of the event
- Params Required:
- Response not logged in: Status Code 303, redirect to the login page
(*) GET /api/leaveEvent/:id
Only the Id of the User calling the Request will be removed from the interested array of the event
- Params Required:
- Response not logged in: Status Code 303, redirect to the login page
(*) GET /api/user
- Response logged in:
id: 1,
description: "Ehemalige Miss Ostschweiz",
firstName: "test",
lastName: "user",
fullName: "test user",
email: "",
avatarUrl: "",
providerId: "facebook",
authUserId: "029387450923475",
categories: [{
id: 1,
title: "Fussball"
id: 4,
title: "Jogging"
- Response not logged in: Status Code 303, redirect to the login page
(*) GET /api/user/:id
- Params Required:
- Response logged in:
id: 1,
description: "Ehemalige Miss Ostschweiz",
firstName: "test",
lastName: "user",
fullName: "test user",
email: "",
avatarUrl: "",
providerId: "facebook",
authUserId: "029387450923475",
categories: [{
id: 1,
title: "Fussball"
id: 4,
title: "Jogging"
- Response not logged in: Status Code 303, redirect to the login page
(*) PUT /api/user/:id
Only the user with the id :id is allowed to update his profile. He is allowed to update his description and his favorite sports.
- Params Required:
- Response not logged in: Status Code 303, redirect to the login page
GET /api/category
- Response:
id: 1,
title: "Fussball"
id: 2,
title: "Basketball"
id: 3,
title: "Tennis"
id: 4,
title: "Jogging"
id: 5,
title: "Sonstiges"
GET /api/category/:id
- Params Required:
- Response:
id: 1,
title: "Fussball"
GET /userAware
- Response logged in: Returns the User object
- Response not logged in: Retuns
not authenticated
on a seperate page
(*)Route secured with SecureSocial and only accessible while logged in with a valid facebook account (***) Route is aware if the user is logged in or not and serves him with different information
The tests for the project can be found in test/controllers/SecureSocialTests. The goal of the tests is to see if the routes are secured and only usable if logged in. There are certain routes that return a response to a non logged-in user (see API). To run the test simply right-click and press Run. For the tests to be successful, there has to be a deployed database on Heroku that is used in the DATABASE_URL environment variable.
If the route is secured with @SecuredAction it should return a status code of 303 See Other.
assertEquals(303, result.status());
If the route is annotated with @UserAwareAction it should return a status code of 200 OK.
assertEquals(200, result.status());
To deploy this application to Heroku, create an application with a PostgreSQL addon.Change the needed URLs to your applications URL in public/javascripts/main.js and conf/securesocial.conf. Additionaly, register your application on and generate a clientId and a clientSecret and set the values in conf/securesocial.conf. Then you can use
sbt stage deployHeroku
to deploy your application. Make sure to use https when going to your application so the Facebook login works.
- leaflet 1.3.1 - The javascript library used
- SecureSocial - Authentication for Play Framework Applications
- Bootstrap 4.0.0 - Toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, JS
- Postgres 42.2.5 - Open Source Relational Database
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
- automatically delete old events
- logging with other Accounts (Google, Twitter, Microsoft etc.)
- Plugin for other Platfoms (Facebook, ...)
- Add Time to events
- multilingual
- detailed page for every event
- "How it works" Page
- Filters for events
- function to add buddies from past events to the feed