This is a GeoNode extension to handle documents in various formats, even images. It works essentially by enabling files to be attached to a GeoNode Map, Layer or be indipendent.
Install the documents app:
source bin/activate
pip install -e git+git://
Edit your file and add
to the list of installed appsAppend the following line to your
(r'^documents/', include('documents.urls')),
# Then re-run syncdb
and reload your web server.
In order to have the documents directly linked in the main menu bar:
(basic) replace the page_layout.html file provided in the "extras" folder with the original one in your template folder. (only use this if you have never modified the page_layout.html file)
(advanced) copy the content of the page_layout_snippet.html and insert it in your page_layout.html file in the "nav" block.
In order to have the documents linked in the map or layer detail template:
copy the content of the extra/maps/info_snippet.html and insert it in your mapinfo.html or layer.html file in the "header" and "sidebar" block.