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Alarm Clock app using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Code Institute Milestone 2 Project.

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Alarm Clock

The idea for this project is to provide the user with an interactive alarm clock.

The alarm clock features a running analogue clock face that shows the user's current time and date as well as providing a interactive alarm feature. The user is able to select a time for the alarm to go off and can set or cancel the alarm.

When the set alarm time is reached, the app plays an audible alarm as well as displaying visual indicator of the alarm.

I use this alarm clock app daily, keeping it open in a web browser to set alarms for meeting reminders or setting productivity timers when working from home. I prefer using this app now over setting alarms on a phone for ease of use.

Responsive Layout Screenshots


UX (User Experience)

Project Goals

The goal of this project is to build a a website that displays a running alarm clock.

The features on the website will:

  • Show a running analogue clock with the user's current local time.
  • Provide an alarm clock feature that can be set for the user's local time.

I achieve this by:

  • Building the clock functionality using an HTML5 <canvas> element to draw the clock face and hands.
  • Allowing the user to set an alarm time, switch the alarm on or off with a combined alarm set / cancel button.

User Goals

  • Show the current local time.
  • Set an alarm clock using the current local time.

User Stories

  • As a user, I want to see a running clock telling the current local time.
  • As a user, I want to be able to see the times as AM or PM.
  • As a user, I want to set an alarm clock.
  • As a user, I want to hear an audible alarm sound and see a visual alarm cue at the set alarm time.
  • As a user, I want to see social media links to contact the site owner.

Site Owner Goals

  • As a site owner, I want to create an interactive website to present a clean, easy to understand display of information.
  • As a site owner, I want the user to see their current local time and date.
  • As a site owner, I want the user to be able to see errors displayed in a user friendly way.
  • As a site owner, I want the user to be able to see or hear an alarm clock trigger at the set time.

Design Choices


I have chosen Castoro for all of the text.


I have chosen the colours that blend and transition smoothly together. The animated background gradient colours give a rich, vibrant effect that allows the clock face, accordion and social media links to stand out.

Colour palette

  • Flickr Pink (F72585) - Rich Pink
  • Byzantine (B5179E) - Dark Pink
  • Purple (7209B7) - Purple
  • Purple (560BAD) - Purple
  • Trypan Blue (480CA8) - Purple / Blue
  • Trypan Blue (3A0CA3) - Purple / Blue
  • Persian Blue (3F37C9) - Lighter Purple / Blue
  • Ultramarine Blue (4361EE) - Mid Blue
  • Dodger Blue (4895EF) - Blue
  • Vivid Sky Blue (4CC9F0) - Sky Blue

These colours will compliment each other well when they transition from one colour to another to create a vivid but visually pleasing background.


I designed the site mock-ups originally using pen and paper and then developing the designs further using Balsamiq wireframes.

I focussed on defining the basic layout structure of the site and identified how displays would change on different screen sizes such as mobile, tablet and desktop for each page.

Hand drawn drafts

The original hand drawn sketch wireframe was created as quick and rough method to try out page formatting ideas to form a basis for creating the wireframe within balsamic.

It represents the early stages of the design process for the website as ideas started to form and the flow of the design process from idea to finished website.

Final Wireframes

The final wireframes were created using Balsamiq adapted from the original hand drawn wireframe concepts. The image shows the homepage from the site in three display sizes to demonstrate the page design and layout.



  • HTML5
    • Used as the main markup language for the website content.
  • CSS3
    • Used to style the individual webpages.
  • JavaScript
    • Used to create the interactive functionality of the website



  • Git
    • Git was used for version control by utilizing the Gitpod terminal to commit to Git and push to GitHub.
  • GitHub
    • Used to store, host and deploy the project files and source code after being pushed from Git.
  • Gitpod
    • An online IDE linked to the GitHub repository used for the majority of the code development.
  • CodePen
    • An online code editor and open-source learning environment used to test small sections of code quickly and easily.
  • Visual Studio Code
    • A locally installed IDE connected to the GitHub repository for when there was no internet connection to use Gitpod.
  • Font-Awesome
    • Used for icons to enhance headings and add emphasis to text.
  • Google fonts
    • Used for the website fonts.
  • Coolors
    • An online tool used to choose the website colour scheme.
  • Favicons
    • Used to generate a favicon for the website title.
  • Am I Responsive?
    • A tool for taking a quick snapshot of the responsive breakpoints of the website to visualize how the site will look on different device screen sizes in one place. The resulting screenshot is also used as the logo image.
  • What is my Screen Resolution
    • An online tool to find out the screen resolution on your device used for CSS @media queries
  • CSS Gradient Animator
    • An online tool to test and generate custom CSS for animated background colour gradient effects.
  • Online Audio Converter
    • An online tool to convert audio files between different file formats.
  • Adobe Photoshop CS4
    • A raster graphics editor used to manipulate the clock face background image.


Features Implemented

Responsive Design

  • Responsive mobile first design using a Bootstrap framework.
  • The site format was designed for smaller device sizes such as mobile and tablet devices to give a simple, user friendly display.
  • The clock face is displayed within a 500px x 500px HTML5 canvas element which responsively resizes and scales correctly for smaller display sizes.
  • The alarm setting are contained within an accordion to keep the layout clean and keep scrolling to a minimum on smaller display heights.
  • A continuously transitioning background colour to give a rich, vibrant, colourful display; creating contrast with the clock face and alarm settings.

Interactive Elements

  • The main features of the site are:

    • The analogue clock face displays:

      • The user's current local time

      • AM / PM indicator

      • The current day, date, month and year

        Analogue Clock Face

    • A bell icon is used as a visual cue for the alarm state.

      • A bell icon shows the alarm is set and with a diagonal slash to show the alarm is not set.

        Alarm Bell Icon Alarm Bell-slash Icon

      • An additional feature of the bell icon is that the icon "shakes" when the alarm has triggered to assist with accessibility.

    • An alarm clock with time selection inputs for hours and minutes along with an alarm set / cancel button.

      • The alarm setting are contained within an accordion to keep the layout clean and keep scrolling to a minimum on smaller display heights.

        Alarm inactive

      • Once the alarm has been set, the hours and minutes selectors are disabled to prevent accidental changes to the set alarm time. They become active again when the alarm has been cancelled.

        Alarm active

      • For ease of use, the alarm button toggles between a green "Set Alarm" button to a red "Clear Alarm" button when clicked.

      • When the alarm is triggered, an audio file is played which can be paused by clicking the red "Clear Alarm" button.

  • Additional Site features:

    • A friendly HTTP 404 Error landing page for site visitors to see if a requested page is unavailable or cannot be accessed.
      • The page provides a button to click to return the visitor to the homepage.

        404 Error

Future Features

  • This small app has the potential to be expanded with additional features:
    • Light / dark mode selection button
    • Allow multiple alarms to be set and activated independently
    • use Window localStorage Property to save the set alarm time after the browser window closes.
    • Display local weather information from APIs such as
    • Display multiple clock faces to allow users to show times for a city in a different timezone using APIs such as Google Time Zone.
    • "Pomodoro" style timer function for helping maintain a user's work productivity.

Site Construction

Page Layout

  • Body
    • HTML canvas element with a height and width of 500px where the clock face background image and clock hands are drawn.

    • Alarm enabled / disabled icon is used as a visual indicator to show the alarm is either active or inactive.

    • A Bootstrap accordion single card that expands to reveal the alarm clock settings with selectors for alarm hours minutes and an alarm set / clear button.

      Clock face, bell icon and alarm settings

Construction Table

Site Page Page Section JavaScript File
Home Canvas Element clock.js
Home Alarm accordion hours selector alarm.js
Home Alarm accordion minutes selector alarm.js
Home Alarm accordion button alarm.js
Home Bell icon alarm.js


The clock flowchart show the code logic for the clock function contained in the clock.js file.

  • The clock is created and drawn on the canvas using the following:
    • An HTML5 <canvas></canvas> element using the .getContext('2d') method which contains all the properties that will be used to draw on the canvas; within the constraints of the canvas element height and width.
    • The clock face is a background image file cropped into a circle. This was done in Photoshop CS4 as the original square image looked wrong in early development.
    • Note: Early testing showed that the clock canvas context method failed to draw anything if the background image hadn't fully loaded. This was resolved using a .onload EventHandler property setting a 100ms timeout to check whether the background image has loaded fully before calling the main createClock() function to draw the clock hands.
    • To draw each clock hand in the correct position:
      • The canvas is rotated about the centre of the canvas by a calculated angle corresponding to the current time value, drawing the hand before being returned back to the starting point again, ready to be rotated once more for the new time value.
      • The context .rotate(Radians) method is used to rotate the canvas and takes an angle in Radians as an argument. It was easier to imagine rotation angles in degrees instead of Radians so a small utility function is used to convert degrees to Radians by returning (Math.PI / 180) * degrees and passing this result as an argument in the .rotate() method.

Drawing the Clock Hands

  • Each clock hand has the same basic shape so a common function to draw the hand shape, with hand dimensions passed as parameters, is used which can be called when defining the hours, minutes and seconds hands.

  • Hours hand rotation calculation:

    • The formula used to calculate the hours rotation angle is (hours value * 360 / 12) % 360 so each hour rotates 30°.
    • The % 360 is really just a nice to have but not essential to the formula. The Date() object returns a time value in a 24hrs format in some browsers. The modulus just returns the same degrees value for 13-23 hours as for 0-12 e.g. 03:00 or 15:00 returns 90° rotation angle. Without the % 360 15:00 returns 450° rotation angle which is the same end result.
    • With a 30° angle between each hour on the clock face, the hour hand will make large jumps from hour to hour. To replicate a real clock hand movement, the hour hand rotation angle is combined with the minutes value: hours value + (minutes value / 60) to divide the movement between hours numbers into 1/60 segments. As the minutes increase, the hour hand slowly transitions towards the next hour in proportion to the minutes value.
  • Minutes hand rotation calculation:

    • The formula used to calculate the minutes rotation angle is (minutes value * 360 / 60) so each minute rotates .
    • As with the hours hand, the minutes hand needs to move smoothly so the minute hand rotation angle is combined with the seconds value: minutes value + (seconds value / 60) to divide the movement between minutes numbers into 1/60 segments. As the seconds increase, the minute hand slowly transitions towards the next minute in proportion to the seconds value.
  • Seconds hand rotation calculation:

    • The formula used to calculate the seconds rotation angle is (seconds value * 360 / 60) so each second rotates 6°.
    • The seconds hand doesn't sweep but instead shows as a noticeable "ticking" hand; jumping from second to second, which I like.
  • Canvas Rotation:

    • To draw the clock hands at the correct clock position, a hand is drawn after the canvas has been rotated about its central point.
    • Canvases normally rotate around the 0,0 (x,y) coordinates, which is the top left corner of the canvas.
    • To rotate the clock hands, the rotation axis needs to be in the vertical and horizontal center of the canvas. For a 500px x 500px canvas this is at coordinates 250,250. To move the centre point of the canvas, the context translate method is passed the canvas dimensions divided by two: context.translate(canvas.width/2, canvas.height/2);.
      • This has the added bonus of making the centre point responsive if the canvas dimensions are reduced from the defined dimensions on smaller device sizes.
    • The unfortunate downside to this approach is the background image is loaded from the new 0,0 coordinates in the centre of the canvas and now only covers the bottom right corner of the canvas!
      • To correct this, the canvas drawImage() method is passed the following arguments context.drawImage(clockFaceImg, canvas.width/2 * -1, canvas.height/2 * -1, canvas.width, canvas.height); to define the HTMLImageElement, starting x,y coordinates and the image width & height. This translates to -250,-250 coordinates with the image width and height as 500px.

Clock Face Text

  • The text is written to the canvas using the context.fillText() method.

  • AM / PM text:

    • The AM / PM indicator is determined by getting the current time hours value, returned using the getHours() method of the Date() object, and applying the following conditional (ternary) operator (hours >= 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM') to see if the hours value is greater than 12 or not.
  • The date text:

    • The year is returned using the .getFullYear() method of the Date() object.
    • The Month is returned using the .getMonth() method of the Date() object.
      • This is mapped to an array of month names where the .getMonth() value is passed as the array index to return the correct month name.
    • The date is returned using the .getDate() method of the Date() object.
    • The day is returned using the .getDay() method of the Date() object.
      • This is mapped to an array of days of the week names where the .getDay() value is passed as the array index to return the correct day of the week.


The alarm flowchart show the code logic for the alarm function contained in the alarm.js file.

  • The alarm function gets the alarm hours and minutes values, the set / clear button clicks and the bell icon <div> element using the HTML DOM document.getElementById() method.

  • The alarmTime() function gets the current time from a Date() object created with new Date().

    • The current time is returned from the Date() object using string concatenation of the .getHours(), .getMinutes() amd .getSeconds() methods in the format "hh:mm:ss" for cross-browser support.
      • This replaced the original .toLocaleTimeString() method as the returned string format is different between browser developers:
        • Firefox returns the time string in the format "hh:mm:ss" as a 24hr format.
        • Chrome and Edge returns the time string in the format "h:m:s AM" as a 12hr format.
    • The set alarm time is compared to the current time every second. When there is strict equality comparison between the string values, the audio file it triggered using the .play() method and the bell icon is assigned a new css class to make the icon "shake" using css animation.
  • The alarm is set and cleared using the .onclick event for the alarm button

    • The function uses an if else conditional statement to determine the alarm state.

    • Alarm Not Set

      • When the alarm is not set, the user can select the alarm hours and minutes input selectors to the desired time values.
      • The "bell-slash" icon is set using the .innerHTML property.
      • The alarm button background colour is set to green by assigning a css class using the HTML DOM .getElementById().className property
      • The alarm button text is changed to "Set Alarm" via the innerHTML property.
    • Alarm Set

      • When the alarm is set, the hours and minutes selectors are disabled using the document.getElementById().disabled property.
      • The alarm button background colour is set to red by assigning a css class using the HTML DOM .getElementById().className property
      • The alarm button text is changed to "Clear Alarm" via the innerHTML property.
      • The "bell-slash" icon is replaced with the "bell" icon via the .innerHTML property.
      • When the alarm is triggered, the bell icon has an additional css class assigned to make the image "shake" using the HTML DOM .classList.add() property.
        • This additional class is removed on button click to clear the alarm using the HTML DOM .classList.remove() property.

Project Management

GitHub Projects are used to organize the planning and development of the website. Three GitHub projects are used to manage different aspects of the site development:

  • Development
    • Manages general project tasks and files including Documentation, HTML & CSS
  • Development - JavaScript
    • Manages tasks relating to the development of the JavaScript functionality
  • Bug Fixes
    • Manages the triage and prioritization of the bug fixes.

The Projects are created using the following GitHub templates:

  • Automated kanban template for the Development and Development - JavaScript projects
  • Bug Triage template for the Bug Fixes project.

The following kanban project cards are used to manage the tasks:

  • Backlog - this card is used to capture ideas for project tasks.
  • To Do - this is the current work queue for the project.
  • In Progress - this is the list of tasks currently in work.
    • New issues and pull requests are automatically added to this column using project card automation options.
  • Testing - Testing tasks list
  • Done - completed tasks

The following Bug Triage template project cards are used to manage the Bux fixes tasks:

  • Needs Triage - this card is used to capture new bugs prior to assigning a priority.
    • A triage card is more appropriate for larger projects than this but left in as this is where all new issues are assigned when linking a project to a new issue.
  • High Priority - this is the high priority queue for the project.
  • Low Priority - this is the low priority queue for the project.
  • Closed - completed tasks.

Markdown syntax is used to create "To-Do" list style checkboxes by adding - [ ] for an un-ticked checkbox and - [x] for a ticked checkbox on cards as a way of splitting a single complex task into a list of steps to be completed.

GitHub Projects - Development GitHub Projects - Bug Fixes

Version Control

Version control for this repository is managed within GitHub and Gitpod using separate branches used to work on specific aspects of the project. The following describes the repository branch structure:

  • Master - this is the default branch and the source for the repository deployment.
    • Documentation - this branch is used for updating the and documentation only.
    • Development - this branch is used as the main working branch for the website development
    • Each individual bug fixes are raised within their own separate branches using the naming convention <GitHub Issue ID Number>-<bug fix description> e.g. branch name 12-correct-navbar-links

The following workflow steps are used to create and update branches within Gitpod and to push changes back to GitHub.

Gitpod Workspaces

  1. Open Gitpod from Github using the Gitpod button. This needs to only be done once at the start of the project.
  2. Start the Gitpod Workspace which opens an online IDE editor window.


  1. For changes to be made to any documentation files, the git command git checkout documentation is used to checkout and switch to the documentation branch.
  2. For changes to be made to other files under normal site development, the git command git checkout development is used to checkout and switch to the development branch.
  3. To create a new branch for bug fixes, use the git command git checkout -b <branch-name> to create and switch to the new branch.

Working within a branch

  1. New or modified files are staged using the git add . command
  2. The changes are committed using git commit -m "<commit message>" command.
  3. If the changes are in a newly created branch, the committed changes are pushed from Gitpod to GitHub using the git push --set-upstream origin <branch-name> command as there is currently no upstream branch in the remote repository.
  4. For branches that have already been synchronized, the committed changes are pushed from Gitpod to GitHub using the git push command.

Merging branches in GitHub

  1. Opening the repository in Github, a new pull request is created for the updated branch and assigned to its related Development, Development - JavaScript or Bug Fixes project.
  2. The changes are reviewed to ensure there are no conflicts between the updated branch and the Master branch.
  3. The changes are then merged into the Master branch and the merge request is closed. The Project entry is automatically moved to the Done card.

Update Gitpod with the latest GitHub commits

  1. To update Gitpod with the latest commits From GitHub, the git checkout master command is used to checkout and switch to the master branch.
  2. Use the git pull command to update the master branch and reset the pointer.
  3. Now switch to the other branches in Gitpod using the git checkout <branch-name> command and use the git merge origin/master command to update each branch in turn.
  4. Use the git push on each branch to update the relevant GiHub Branches to the same commit as the Master branch.
  5. Repeat steps 3 - 17 regularly to ensure updates are saved and correctly version controlled in GitHub.


  • Testing information can be found in a separate file.


To manage bugs and issues tracking, the default GitHub template has been created and activated within the repository settings Features > Issues section. All new bugs and issues are tracked within the GitHub repository Issues section . Open issues are managed within the GitHub Projects section

Each branch is then merged into the master branch using a pull request that is linked to the open issue. Once merged, and the bug report closed, the branch is deleted.

Fixed bugs and issues are marked as closed.


The website was developed using both Gitpod and Visual Studio Code and using Git pushed to GitHub, which hosts the repository. I made the following steps to deploy the site using GitHub Pages:

  • Opened up GitHub in the browser.
  • Signed in with my username and password.
  • Selected my repositories.
  • Navigated to simonjvardy/alarm-clock.
  • In the top navigation clicked settings.
  • Scrolled down to the GitHub Pages area.
  • Selected Master Branch from the Source dropdown menu.
  • Clicked to confirm my selection.
  • alarm-clock is now live on GitHub Pages.

Running alarm-clock Locally

Cloning alarm-clock from GitHub:

  • Navigate to simonjvardy/alarm-clock.
  • Click the Code button.
  • Copy the url in the dropdown box.
  • Using your favourite IDE open up your preferred terminal.
  • Navigate to your desired file location.

Copy the following code and input it into your terminal to clone alarm-clock:

git clone



You can find the images used for the site here. I have sourced them through various websites, which are either free to use or used under license:




The following websites were used as the starting point and inspiration for creating the HTML Canvas clock code:


  • Simon Vardy MS-1 Project for the re-use of many ideas and code snippets.
  • W3Schools for just being a constant source of help and inspiration!
  • Code Institute Course material for the inspiration from code-along challenges.
  • San Francisco State University PMO Resources webpage where the original Unit Testing and UAT Testing Plan documents were sourced
  • blog which was the inspiration for the modified UAT Testing document and wording.
  • Richard Read for project inspiration and format ideas.
  • Frozenaught for further content ideas.
  • Gary Simons for further content ideas.
  • Software Testing Fundamentals (STF) for an excellent guide on building testing processes.
  • Git - Branching and Merging documentation for help understanding how to manage branches in GitHub / Gitpod.
  • digitaljhelms for ideas and help with GitHub branch naming conventions.
  • TutorialRepublic for Boostrap help and tutorials.
  • Dev.Opera HTML5 canvas - the basics
  • rgraph The getContext() function tutorial.
  • Smashing Magazine Guide on Local Storage
  • GitHub Help guide on using Error 404 pages on repositories.
  • Colorlib the 404.html was made by Colorlib. Go visit their website for more awesome templates, themes and tools.
  • tutorials on HTML5 Canvas.
  • kirkkenny GitHub alarm-clock repo.
  • Stack Overflow For help fixing so many thing that fell over on this project!
    • Stack Overflow for ideas and help with GitHub branch naming conventions.
    • Stack Overflow for ideas and help with making JavaScript use the world clock (GMT).
    • Stack OVerflow for ideas and help with drawing circles using HTML Canvas elements and JavaScript
    • Stack Overflow for fixing the "wait until the image has fully loaded" problem with the clock background.
  • Bootstrap
    • Modal example code was copied and adapted for the Help Page.
    • Form Groups example code was copied and adapted for the alarm clock settings.
    • Accordion example code was copied and adapted for the alarm clock settings.