gcc g++
make is optional depending on how you want to build it.
run make
For the register setting utility: gcc -o lb-gps lb-gps-linux.cpp GPSSettings.cpp -lstdc++
For the status utility: gcc -o lb-gps-status lb-gps-linux-status.cpp -lstdc++
usage: lb-gps /dev/hidraw?? [--n31] [--n2_ls] [--n2_hs] [--n1_hs] [--nc1_ls] [--nc2_ls] [--bw]
--gps: integer within the range of 1 to 5000000
--n31: integer within the range 1 to 2^19
--n2_ls: even integer within the range 2 to 2^20
--n2_hs: from the range [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]
--n1_hs: from the range [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]
--nc1_ls: even integer within the range 2 to 2^20
--nc2_ls: even integer within the range 2 to 2^20
--bw: bandwidth integer within the range 0 to 15
-- The following parameters can only be changed exclusively --
--ds: drive strength (in mA) from the range [8, 16, 24, 32]
usage: lb-gps-status /dev/hidraw??
The command shows current lock status, and returns the following values: For Sat unlocked, return value is 1, for PLL unlocked the value is 2, for both unlocked the value is 3. 0 is returned if both are locked.
The provided hidapi-hidraw library in this repository is not compatible with the ARM architecture of the Raspberry Pi. To be able to compile gpsdo-status
on the Pi, you'll need to fetch the correct version and provide a link to it before calling make
To do so:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libhidapi-hidraw0 libhidapi-libusb0
ln -s /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libhidapi-hidraw.so.0