Fortran core of TRACMASS + Python wrapping around the outside.
- Make your new TracPy directory and change directories into it.
- Clone the TracPy repository from GitHub.
In the command prompt, type:
git clone
- Install the package globally:
pip install -e .
This makes the package an editable install so that it can be updated with future additions to TracPy. Note that a required package is octant. To instead install the package locally:pip install --user .
- Move into your TracPy directory.
- Update your GitHub repository.
git pull
- Edit your install of TracPy.
pip install -e .
orpip install --force-reinstall -e .
or, for local installation:pip install --ignore-installed --user .
- After making changes to the code, you can do some basic functionality testing with
in thetests
Learn more by running a small test case. Internet required.
- Open an iPython notebook server in the TracPy
directory.ipython notebook
- A webpage will open in your browser showing the available notebooks in the current directory. Open the notebook called manual.
- The cells of the notebook can be run in order by pushing "shift" and "enter" together or the whole notebook can be run by selecting Cell > Run all. The notebook demonstrates how to initialize and run a numerical drifter experiment using TracPy.
- Alternatively, a static PDF version of the manual can be viewed at
For projects, it is suggested to start a separate directory with its own initialization and run file for the simulation(s). Then TracPy can be imported as a module and the run script can be run from the project. An example set of projects can be found at
- Döös, K., Kjellsson, J., & Jönsson, B. (2013). TRACMASS—A Lagrangian Trajectory Model. In Preventive Methods for Coastal Protection (pp. 225-249). Springer International Publishing.
- Döös, K., Rupolo, V., & Brodeau, L. (2011). Dispersion of surface drifters and model-simulated trajectories. Ocean Modelling, 39(3), 301-310.
- Döös, K., & Engqvist, A. (2007). Assessment of water exchange between a discharge region and the open sea–A comparison of different methodological concepts. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 74(4), 709-721.
- TRACMASS on GitHub: