A command-line tool for encoding and decoding using the Base64 URL encoding scheme.
Requires Python 3. Tested on Python 3.4 and above.
$ ./base64url -h
usage: base64url.py [-h] [-b BREAKAT] [-t] [-d] [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BREAKAT, --breakat BREAKAT
break encoded string into num character lines
-t, --trim trim padding on encoded string
-d, -D, --decode decodes input
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
input file (default: stdin)
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output file (default: stdout)
doesn't have to be installed; it has no dependencies other than
Python 3.6 or above. Just run it as path/to/base64url
Of course, you can if you wish add it to your PATH.
To encode, pipe to:
docker run -i --rm simonwhitaker/base64url
To decode, pipe to:
docker run -i --rm simonwhitaker/base64url -d