Supports Dell OMSA 7.4
This exporter wraps the "omreport" command from Dell OMSA. If you can't run omreport on your system, the exporter won't export any metrics.
Omreport parsing functions were borrowed from the Bosun project, thank you very much for that, they are the most tedious part of the job.
hardware_exporter [flags]
hardware_exporter [command]
Available Commands:
version Print the version number of hardware_exporter
help Help about any command
-c, --collect="chassis,fans,memory,processors,ps,ps_amps_sysboard_pwr,storage_battery,storage_enclosure,storage_controller,storage_vdisk,system,temps,volts": Comma-separated list of collectors to use.
-h, --help[=false]: help for hardware_exporter
-L, --loglevel="info": Set log level
-l, --web.listen="": Address on which to expose metrics and web interface.
-m, --web.path="/metrics": Path under which to expose metrics.
-p, --web.port="4242": Port on which to expose metrics.
Use "hardware_exporter [command] --help" for more information about a command.