Forward Error Correction library with Reed-Solomon
Based on mersinvald's code:
Donwload, and import into Arduino IDE
#include <RS-FEC.h>
char message[] = "Some very important message";
const int msglen = 60; const uint8_t ECC_LENGTH = 10; //Max message lenght, and "guardian bytes", Max corrected bytes ECC_LENGTH/2
char message_frame[msglen]; // The message size would be different, so need a container
char repaired[msglen]; char encoded[msglen + ECC_LENGTH];
RS::ReedSolomon<msglen, ECC_LENGTH> rs;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); while (!Serial); // initialize serial
memset(message_frame, 0, sizeof(message_frame)); // Clear the array
for(uint i = 0; i <= msglen; i++) { message_frame[i] = message[i]; } // Fill with the message
rs.Encode(message_frame, encoded);
Serial.print("Original: "); Serial.println(message_frame);
Serial.print("Encoded: "); for(uint i = 0; i < sizeof(encoded); i++) { Serial.print(encoded[i]); } Serial.println("");
for(uint i = 20; i < 25; i++) { encoded[i] = '-'; } //Let's steal some byte from 20 to 25.
Serial.print("Corrupted: "); for(uint i = 0; i < sizeof(encoded); i++) { Serial.print(encoded[i]); } Serial.println("");
rs.Decode(encoded, repaired);
String result; memcmp(message_frame, repaired, msglen) == 0 ? result="SUCCESS" : result="FAILURE"; //Compare the arrays
Serial.print("Result: "); Serial.println(result);
Serial.print("Repaired: "); Serial.println(repaired);
void loop() { }
The Output:
Original: Some very important message
Encoded: Some very important message?�Êü?
Corrupted: Some very important -----ge?�Êü?
Repaired: Some very important message