Teleport VR is an open, native network protocol for virtual and augmented reality. This repository contains the reference Client/Server software and SDK for Teleport VR. Comments, bug reports and pull requests are welcome.
Clone the repository with submodules:
git clone --recurse-submodules
or if you have already cloned the main repo,
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Visual Studio 2019 or later (with Visual C++ tools for CMake)
- Android Studio
- Unreal Engine 4.22 incorporating the patch to move SceneCaptureSource from USceneCaptureComponent2D to USceneCaptureComponent
- NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit 11
- NVIDIA Video Codec SDK
- Recent CMake. Edit to contain cmake.dir=C:\Program Files\CMake
- ninja.exe: put it in C:\Program Files\CMake\bin
- Ubuntu on Windows
- Nasm, to build OpenSSL. Get it from
- OpenXR, for the client. Get it from
- Build pthread.2019.sln in "\thirdparty\srt\submodules\pthread-win32\windows\VS2019" in Release x64.
- You may retarget the projects to a more recent version of the build tools.
- In firstparty/Platform, run to build required libraries fmt and glfw.
- Using CMakeGUI:
- Set source code location to (Teleport Folder) and build the binaries at (Teleport Folder)/build_pc_client
- Configure for x64 platform with default native compiler
- In the Advanced CMake config settings, search for CXX_FLAGS and ensure that the configurations use the /MT and /MTd runtimes.
- Uncheck 'ENABLE_ENCRYPTION' option from srt.
- Configure, generate, open and build the Visual Studio project in Release Configuration first.
The Unity server plugin is currently the main testbed for Teleport servers.
- Using CMakeGUI:
- Build to a subfolder of your Unity project, e.g. Project/teleport_build. Don't build inside the Assets folder.
- Click 'Configure' solution button.
- Set TELEPORT_UNITY_EDITOR_DIR to "Editor" sub-directory where Unity is installed; e.g. "C:/Program Files/Unity/2022.4.15f1/Editor".
- Click 'Generate' solution button.
- Open Project, and set to "Release" build mode.
- Set TeleportServer as startup project:
- Right-click TeleportServer project in 'Solution Explorer' pane.
- Click "Set as Startup Project".
- Build the PC client as above. The Android client requires the PC client artifacts to build.
- Use Android Studio to install the appropriate NDK (see
- Install the appropriate JDK from Java Archive (see and set JAVA_HOME
- Install the current stable AGDE
- In WSL, build ktx from build_pc_client/ktx, into build_android_vs/ktx with
- Open the sln in build_android_vs in Visual Studio.
- Go to Tools -> Settings -> Cross Platform -> C++ -> Android
- Build and run.
The UE4 plugin is not currently functional, it will be updated in 2024.
Build pthread.2015.sln in "\thirdparty\srt\submodules\pthread-win32" in Release x64.
- You will need to target pthread_lib to the same toolset as your Unreal.
- You may need to disable Whole Program Optimisation.
Using CMakeGUI:
- Set src: (Teleport Folder) and bin: (Teleport Folder)/plugins/UnrealDemo/Plugins/RemotePlay/Libraries.
- Your platform, and toolset, must match your Unreal Engine configuration.
- Enable Advanced view in CMake-GUI, if you can't find any of the following settings.
- Ensure LIBAV_USE_DYNAMIC_RUNTIME is checked: Unreal uses the dynamic runtimes so this is needed for compatibility.
- Make sure TELEPORT_SERVER is checked: this removes the client and test projects from the build.
- For Basis, you can just set STATIC to unchecked, this will make it use the dynamic runtimes.
- Ensure BUILD_AS_LIBRARY is checked for Basis.
- Remove RelWithDebInfo and MinSizeRelease configurations.
Right-click UnrealDemo.uproject and select Generate Visual Studio project files and then Switch Unreal Engine version to Simul's private 4.22 branch.
Add the created projects to the solution at plugins/UnrealDemo/UnrealDemo.sln. Make sure that the release build of libavstream is configured to compile in Development Editor solution config. The projects needed are:
- basisu
- efp
- enet
- haicrypt_virtual
- libavstream
- TeleportServer
- srt_static
- srt_virtual
Ensure cuda_kernels project in libavstream solution is at least toolset Visual Studio 2019.
Build the projects, this creates static libraries for UnrealDemo to link.
Open and build the UE4 project in
Development Editor
configuration. -
Go to Edit->Editor Preferences, General->Performance and disable "Use Less CPU When in Background". This is to prevent UE switching to a slow low-power mode when the Editor window is not in focus.
Put r.ShaderDevelopmentMode=1 in your UE4 directory\Engine\Config\ConsoleVariables.ini
(OPTIONAL) Package the project for
Windows 64-bit
platform. This is recommended for best performance during testing.
Install Doxygen.
Install Python.
Install the following Python packages:
pip install sphinx pip install breathe pip install myst_parser pip install sphinxcontrib.mermaid pip install sphinxcontrib.jquery
This adds the projects "doxygen" and "sphinx" to the Visual Studio solution.
Build the projects: this installs the html documentation to [BUILD_FOLDER]/docs/sphinx/index.html
- Go to Windows Security->Firewall & Network->Advanced Settings.
- Choose Inbound Rules->New Rule->Port->UDP.
- Enter the Discovery Port and create the rule. Repeat 2-3 for the the Service Port.
- Connect your Android device to your local WiFi network (for a local server) or the internet (for a remote server).
- On the server machine, make sure Unity or UE4 editor is not blocked by the Windows firewall.
- Find the IP address of your server, either a local IP or a global IP or domain name.
- Run the game in UE or Unity editor and then launch the client application on your Android or PCVR device.
Protocol | Port | Description |
UDP | 10500 | Session control & player input |
UDP | 10501 | Video stream |
UDP | 10600 | Local network server discovery |
This is only necessary if we change NDK or modify srt in some way. Set up Ubuntu Linux subsystem for Windows, then from a bash shell:
cd ~
sudo cp -r /mnt/c/Users/[Username]/.ssh .
apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get update
eval $(ssh-agent -s)
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
mkdir SRT
cd SRT
git clone
apt-get install cmake
sudo apt-get install cmake
sudo apt-get install tclsh
sudo apt install unzip
sudo apt-get install zip
sudo apt-get install patchelf
sudo apt install gcc
sudo apt install make
sudo apt install git
sudo apt install clang
sudo apt install g++
sudo apt install gcc
chmod +x mkall
chmod +x mkssl
chmod +x mksrt
chmod +x prepare_build
chmod +x packjni
./mkall > log.txt
zip -r arm64-v8a
zip -r armeabi-v7a
zip -r x86
zip -r x86_64
- If you can receive packets from the headset, but can't transmit to it, it may have an IP address conflict. Check no other device has the same IP.