Import a module lazily
$ npm install import-lazy
// Pass in `require` or a custom import function
const importLazy = require('import-lazy')(require);
const _ = importLazy('lodash');
// Instead of referring to its exported properties directly…
// …it's cached on consecutive calls
// Works out of the box for functions and regular properties
const stuff = importLazy('./math-lib');
console.log(stuff.sum(1, 2)); // => 3
console.log(stuff.PHI); // => 1.618033
While you may be tempted to do leverage destructuring, like this:
const {isNumber, isString} = importLazy('lodash');
Note that this will cause immediate property access, negating the lazy loading, and is equivalent to:
import {isNumber, isString} from 'lodash';
If you're using a bundler, like Webpack, you'll have to import your modules like this in order to have them properly bundled:
const importLazy = require('import-lazy');
const _ = importLazy(() => require('lodash'))();
- resolve-from - Resolve the path of a module from a given path
- import-from - Import a module from a given path
- resolve-pkg - Resolve the path of a package regardless of it having an entry point
- lazy-value - Create a lazily evaluated value
- define-lazy-prop - Define a lazily evaluated property on an object
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