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This is a Singer tap that produces JSON-formatted data following the Singer spec.

This tap:

  • Pulls raw data from the Mixpanel Event Export API and the Mixpanel Query API.
  • Supports following two server
    • Standard Server
    • EU Residency Server
  • Extracts the following resources:
    • Export (Events)
    • Engage (People/Users)
    • Funnels
    • Annotations
    • Cohorts
    • Cohort Members
    • Revenue
  • Outputs the schema for each resource
  • Incrementally pulls data based on the input state
  • Uses date-windowing to chunk/loop through export, revenue, funnels.
  • Incorporates attribution window for latency look-back to accommodate delays in data reconciliation.



  • Standard Server endpoint:
  • EU Residency Server endpoint:
  • Primary key fields: event, time, distinct_id
  • Replication strategy: INCREMENTAL (query filtered)
    • Bookmark: time
    • Bookmark query field: from_date, to_date
  • Transformations: De-nest properties to root-level, re-name properties with leading $... to mp_reserved_..., convert datetimes from project timezone to UTC.
  • Optional parameters
    • export_events to export only certain events






cohort_members (engage)

  • Standard Server endpoint:
  • EU Residency Server endpoint:
  • Primary key fields: distinct_id, cohort_id
  • Parameters:
    • filter_by_cohort: {cohort_id} (from cohorts endpoint)
  • Replication strategy: FULL_TABLE
  • Transformations: For each cohort_id in cohorts endpoint, query engage endpoint with filter_by_cohort parameter to create list of distinct_id for each cohort_id.


The Mixpanel API uses Basic Authorization with the api_secret from the tap config in base-64 encoded format. It is slightly different than normal Basic Authorization with username/password. All requests should include this header with the api_secret as the username, with no password:

  • Authorization: Basic <base-64 encoded api_secret>


  • If you selected eu_residency_server then please make sure you enter api_secret of that project only.

More details may be found in the Mixpanel API Authentication instructions.

Quick Start

  1. Install

    Clone this repository, and then install using We recommend using a virtualenv:

    > virtualenv -p python3 venv
    > source venv/bin/activate
    > python install
    > cd .../tap-mixpanel
    > pip install .
  2. Dependent libraries. The following dependent libraries were installed.

    > pip install singer-python
    > pip install jsonlines
    > pip install singer-tools
    > pip install target-stitch
    > pip install target-json
  3. Create your tap's config.json file. The tap config file for this tap should include these entries:

    • start_date - the default value to use if no bookmark exists for an endpoint (rfc3339 date string)
    • user_agent (string, optional): Process and email for API logging purposes. Example: tap-mixpanel <>
    • api_secret (string, ABCdef123): an API secret for each project in Mixpanel. This can be found in the Mixpanel Console, upper-right Settings (gear icon), Organization Settings > Projects and in the Access Keys section. For this tap, only the api_secret is needed (the api_key is legacy and the token is used only for uploading data). Each Mixpanel project has a different api_secret; therefore each Singer tap pipeline instance is for a single project.
    • date_window_size (integer, 30): Number of days for date window looping through transactional endpoints with from_date and to_date. Default date_window_size is 30 days. Clients with large volumes of events may want to decrease this to 14, 7, or even down to 1-2 days.
    • attribution_window (integer, 5): Latency minimum number of days to look-back to account for delays in attributing accurate results. Default attribution window is 5 days.
    • project_timezone (string like US/Pacific): Time zone in which integer date times are stored. The project timezone may be found in the project settings in the Mixpanel console. More info about timezones.
    • select_properties_by_default (true or false): Mixpanel properties are not fixed and depend on the date being uploaded. During Discovery mode and catalog.json setup, all current/existing properties will be captured. Setting this config parameter to true ensures that new properties on events and engage records are captured. Otherwise new properties will be ignored.
    • eu_residency_server (true or false): Data Residency refers to the physical/geographical storage location of an organization's data or information. Setting this config parameter to true ensures that it uses eu_residency_server endpoint to capture the records. As a Mixpanel customer in the EU, you have the option to send your data to Mixpanel's EU data center, and have your data stored exclusively in the EU when creating a new project. More info about eu_residency_server.
    • request_timeout (integer, 300): Max time for which request should wait to get a response. Default request_timeout is 300 seconds.
        "api_secret": "YOUR_API_SECRET",
        "date_window_size": "30",
        "attribution_window": "5",
        "project_timezone": "US/Pacific",
        "select_properties_by_default": "true",
        "start_date": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "user_agent": "tap-mixpanel <>",
        "eu_residency_server": "true",
        "request_timeout": 300

    If you want to export only certain events from the Raw export APIthen provide the value of export_events

    "export_events": "event_one,event_two"

    Optionally, also create a state.json file. currently_syncing is an optional attribute used for identifying the last object to be synced in case the job is interrupted mid-stream. The next run would begin where the last job left off.

        "currently_syncing": "engage",
        "bookmarks": {
            "export": "2019-09-27T22:34:39.000000Z",
            "funnels": "2019-09-28T15:30:26.000000Z",
            "revenue": "2019-09-28T18:23:53Z"
  4. Run the Tap in Discovery Mode This creates a catalog.json for selecting objects/fields to integrate:

    tap-mixpanel --config config.json --discover > catalog.json

    See the Singer docs on discovery mode here.

  5. Run the Tap in Sync Mode (with catalog) and write out to state file

    For Sync mode:

    > tap-mixpanel --config tap_config.json --catalog catalog.json > state.json
    > tail -1 state.json > state.json.tmp && mv state.json.tmp state.json

    To load to json files to verify outputs:

    > tap-mixpanel --config tap_config.json --catalog catalog.json | target-json > state.json
    > tail -1 state.json > state.json.tmp && mv state.json.tmp state.json

    To pseudo-load to Stitch Import API with dry run:

    > tap-mixpanel --config tap_config.json --catalog catalog.json | target-stitch --config target_config.json --dry-run > state.json
    > tail -1 state.json > state.json.tmp && mv state.json.tmp state.json
  6. Test the Tap

    While developing the mixpanel tap, the following utilities were run in accordance with best practices: Pylint to improve code quality:

    > pylint tap_mixpanel -d missing-docstring -d logging-format-interpolation -d too-many-locals -d too-many-arguments

    Pylint test resulted in the following score:

    Your code has been rated at 9.67/10

    To check the tap and verify working:

    > tap-mixpanel --config tap_config.json --catalog catalog.json | singer-check-tap > state.json
    > tail -1 state.json > state.json.tmp && mv state.json.tmp state.json

    Check tap resulted in the following:

    The output is valid.
    It contained 15697 messages for 7 streams.
          7 schema messages
      15661 record messages
        29 state messages
    Details by stream:
    | stream         | records | schemas |
    | revenue        | 134     | 1       |
    | export         | 2811    | 1       |
    | funnels        | 132     | 1       |
    | cohort_members | 454     | 1       |
    | engage         | 12119   | 1       |
    | cohorts        | 5       | 1       |
    | annotations    | 6       | 1       |

    Unit Tests

    Unit tests may be run with the following.

    python -m pytest --verbose

    Note, you may need to install test dependencies.

    pip install -e .'[dev]'

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