Some of my projects
- www - Past work / Experiments / etc
- Arstagram - Unofficial/Unsolicited ArtStation client with an Instagram inspired feed
- bi - Your Instagram™ feed, but bigger!
- Swedish word of the day - One word in Swedish every day
- Learning words - App to learn letters and numbers
- Numbers - A game where you have to spot similar images
- Color memory - A memory game with colors game
- better-dni - The fastest Spanish DNI (NIE / NIF) validation - demo
- spanish-car-plate - Spanish Car Plate validation - demo
- spain-phone - Spanish phone number validation - demo
- dial - A collection of links I often visit
- overlay - A set of tools for devs and designers to measure, align and overlay on-screen graphics and layouts
- Tomeito - A tiny Pomodoro timer for Mac
- whatsapp-message-filter - Filter a chat history file from WhatsApp
- Images - An app that use the Flickr API to search images
- Not random colors - 16.777.215 colors visualized during a year
- Movies - An app that use The Movie DB to fetch information about movies
- Subway - A metro/subway flow simulation