This package provides a generic massively parallel implementation for modular algorithms in computational algebra. In the implementation, we separate the coordination and computations layers allowing the integration of different programming languages without the need to rewrite the entire code. It also facilitates easy editing and optimization of the implementation. The application relies on the task-based workflow provided by GPI-Space for task coordination, and uses the computer algebra system Singular for computational tasks.
This application uses the Singular dynamic module implemented by Lukas Ristau from the repository framework with minor modification to trigger the framework directly from the Singular interpreter. Additionaly, we have made contribution to the serialization of data type of Singular by automating the production of filenames and unifying the data type to be serialize.
We demonstrate the practical application of the framework in computational algebra, specifically by computing Groebner bases in characteristic 0. Additionally, in the field of birational geometry, we use the framework to compute the image of a rational map, also in characteristic 0.
We note that the building blocks of this application can be used for a diverse range of algortihmic problems. An example of a generally usable algorithmic building block is the generic non-stalling two-into-one machinery.
To install the framework (which includes installing Singular, GPI-Space, along with their dependencies), we offer two distinct installation methods:
The preferred approach involves using the supercomputing package manager Spack, which automates the handling of all dependencies.
Alternatively, a description of a manual installation of all components is available, serving as an option if the installation via Spack is not possible on the target system.
Spack is a package manager specifically aimed at handling software installations in supercomputing environments, but usable on anything from a personal computer to an HPC cluster. It supports Linux and macOS (note that the Singular/GPI-Space framework and hence our package requires Linux).
We will assume that the user has some directory path with read and
write access. In the following, we assume this path is set as the environment variable
, as well as install_ROOT
export software_ROOT=~/singular-gpispace
export install_ROOT=~/singular-gpispace
Note, this needs to be set again if you open a new terminal session (preferably set it automatically by adding the line to your .profile file).
If Spack is not already present in the above directory, clone Spack from Github:
git clone $software_ROOT/spack
We check out verison v0.21 of Spack (the current version):
cd $software_ROOT/spack
git checkout releases/v0.21
cd $software_ROOT
Spack requires a couple of standard system packages to be present. For example, on an Ubuntu machines they can be installed by the following commands (which typically require sudo privilege)
sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential ca-certificates coreutils curl environment-modules gfortran git gpg lsb-release python3 python3-distutils python3-venv unzip zip
To be able to use spack from the command line, run the setup script:
. $software_ROOT/spack/share/spack/
Note, this script needs to be executed again if you open a new terminal session (preferably set it automatically by adding the line to your .profile file).
Finally, Spack needs to boostrap clingo. This can be done by concretizing any spec, for example
spack spec zlib
Note: If you experience connection timeouts due to a slow internet connection you can set in the following file the variable connect_timeout
to a larger value.
vim $software_ROOT/spack/etc/spack/defaults/config.yaml
Note that Spack can be uninstalled by just deleting its directory and its configuration files. Be CAREFUL to do that, since it will delete your Spack setup. Typically you do NOT want to do that now, so the code is commented out. It can be useful if your Spack installation is broken:
#rm -rf $software_ROOT/spack/
#rm -rf .spack
Once you have installed Spack, our package can be installed with just three lines of code.
Clone the Singular/GPI-Space package repository into this directory:
git clone $software_ROOT/spack-packages
Add the Singular/GPI-Space package repository to the Spack installation:
spack repo add $software_ROOT/spack-packages
Finally, install modular:
spack install modular
Optionally, the modular framework can be installed in a Spack environment by replacing the last line of code with the following commands.
Create an environment:
spack env create myenv
Activate the environment:
spack env activate -p myenv
Add the abstract specs of modular to the environment:
spack add modular
Concretize the environment:
spack concretize
Install the environment
spack install
Note, this may take quite a bit of time, when doing the initial installation, as it needs to build GPI-Space and Singular including dependencies. Installing further components of the framework or updating is then typically quick.
Once modular is installed, to use modular load the package via:
spack load modular
If modular is installed in an environment, run the following command to activate the environment:
spack env activate -p myenv
After usage of the package, we can deactivate the environment via the command:
spack env deactivate
Note, that this command needs to be executed again if you open a new terminal session. In particular, the environment variable MODULAR_INSTALL_DIR
is available only after executing this command.
GPI-Space requires a working SSH environment with a password-less SSH-key when using the SSH RIF strategy. To ensure this, leave the password field empty when generating your ssh keypair.
By default, ${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa
is used for authentication. If no such key exists,
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N '' -f "${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa"
can be used to create one.
If you compute on your personal machine, there must run an ssh server. On an Ubuntu machine, the respective package can be installed by:
sudo apt install openssh-server
Your key has to be registered with the machine you want to compute on. On a cluster with shared home directory, this only has to be done on one machine. For example, if you compute on your personal machine, you can register the key with:
ssh-copy-id -f -i "${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa" "${HOSTNAME}"
If you start in a new terminal session (and did not configure your terminal to do this automatically) make sure to set software_ROOT
and run the
script. Make also sure to load the modular package in Spack. As discussed above this can be done by:
export software_ROOT=~/singular-gpispace
. $software_ROOT/spack/share/spack/
spack load modular
First, we copy the needed library for the example into software_ROOT
cp $MODULAR_INSTALL_DIR/share/examples/modulargp.lib $software_ROOT
We create a nodefile, which contains the names of the nodes used for computations with our framework. In our example, it just contains the result of hostname.
hostname > $software_ROOT/nodefile
Moreover, we need a directory for temporary files, which should be accessible from all machines involved in the computation:
mkdir -p $software_ROOT/tempdir
Optionally, but recommended: We start the GPI-Space Monitor to display computations in form of a Gantt diagram (to do so, you need an X-Server running). In case you do not want to use the monitor, you should not set in Singular the fields options.loghostfile and options.logport of the GPI-Space configuration token (see below). In order to use the GPI-Space Monitor, we need a loghostfile with the name of the machine running the monitor.
hostname > $software_ROOT/loghostfile
On this machine, start the monitor, specifying a port number where the monitor will receive information from GPI-Space. The same port has to be specified in Singular in the field options.logport.
gspc-monitor --port 9876 &
We start Singular in the directory where it will have direct access to all relevant directories we just created, telling it also where to find the libraries for our framework:
cd $software_ROOT
We will provide two examples of computation using the package. The first is for the computation of the image of a rational map. The second is for the computation of Groebner bases.
In this example, we compute the image of a quintic plane curve by the the degree 5 Veronese embedding. In Singular, now do what follows below.
LIB "modulargspc.lib";
configToken gc = configure_gspc();
gc.options.tmpdir = "tempdir";
gc.options.nodefile = "nodefile";
gc.options.procspernode = 4;
gc.options.loghostfile = "loghostfile";
gc.options.logport = 9876;
ring R=0,(t0,t1,t2),dp;
ideal I = t1^5+10*t1^4*t2+20*t1^3*t2^2+130*t1^2*t2^3-20*t1*t2^4+20*t2^5-2*t1^4*t0-40*t1^3*t2*t0-150*t1^2*t2^2*t0-90*t1*t2^3*t0-40*t2^4*t0+t1^3*t0^2+30*t1^2*t2*t0^2+110*t1*t2^2*t0^2+20*t2^3*t0^2;
ideal phi = maxideal(3);
def result = gspc_modimage(phi,I,gc,12,3,20,20,24);
setring result;