This project defines the gRPC interface for the Tag My Outfit Service. The service aims to classify clothing parts within a set a categories as well as predict attributes for such parts.
This interface is implemented by a gRPC server with the service above mentioned and can be used by the clients to communicate with such server.
This project offers a python package with the gRPC generated sources. The package can be locally installed by executing the following steps:
- Clone the github repository (Specific versions are marked by tags):
$ git clone
- Inside the project folder, navigate to the python folder:
$ cd python
- Install the interface package (This step will also install the grpcio-tools package to generate the gRPC code):
$ make
- Remove the generated gRPC sources (This is a cleaning step and is not necessary for the package installation):
$ make clean_sources
- Remove the grpcio-tools package (The package is only used to generate the sources and can now be deleted):
$ make clean_tools
The package can be uninstalled by execution one of the following options:
- Using pip:
$ pip uninstall -y outfit-tagging-interface
- Using the provided Makefile inside the python folder:
$ make uninstall
The project service proto file can also be downloaded and manually compiled with the proto compiler for any supported language.
This project is released under the MIT License.