Python module and CLI to package and upload python lambda functions to AWS Lambda
pip install python-mu
You will need to have a boto profile created. This can be done using
pip install awscli aws configure
usage: mu [-h] [--with-pyc] [--zip-file ZIP_FILE] [--profile PROFILE] [--zip-only] [config] positional arguments: config JSON file describing this lambda function. Default lambda.json optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --with-pyc Package pyc/pyo files --zip-file ZIP_FILE Name to give ZIP file. Default --profile PROFILE boto/awscli profile name. Default default --zip-only Only create the ZIP file, do not upload
{ "name": "helloworld", "description": "Hello, World!", "region": "us-east-1", "role": "arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/lambda_basic_execution", "handler": "helloworld.lambda_handler", "memory_size": 128, "timeout": 3, "py_modules": [ "helloworld" ], "packages": { "exclude": [ "tests", "tests.*" ] }, "deps": [ "requests", "-rrequirements.txt" ], "publish": true }