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Single structure refinement: example of 1wou

  1. Download a PDB file (coordinates) and CIF file (structure factors) from the RCSB database.

  2. Convert CIF to MTZ using Phenix and expand it to P1 space group:

phenix.cif_as_mtz 1WOU-sf.cif --ignore_bad_sigmas --merge --output_file_name=1wou-sf.mtz
phenix.reflection_file_converter --expand_to_p1 1wou-sf.mtz --write_mtz_amplitudes --mtz_root_label="FOBS" --label="FOBS" --generate_r_free_flags --non_anomalous --mtz 1wou.mtz
  1. Create topology (and coordinate) file from PDB:

    • Put the PDB and P1-MTZ files into data/input/1wou directory of the cloned repo.

    • source AMBER, since we rely on its Python libraries.

    • Set up Python virtual environment and install dependencies (to avoid potential conflicts, use amber.python):

    amber.python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install -U pip wheel setuptools
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Add the repo's directory into PYTHONPATH variable
    export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(pwd)
    • Run the script to prepare a model
    python tools/

    The results will be written to data/amber-topology/1wou.

  2. Prepare the refinement job:


First, as a preparatory step for the x-ray restrained MD run, one needs to convert MTZ into a simple text format (described in the AMBER manual). File conversion is performed by write_sf_dat_file() method of Second, one needs to create x-ray-specific topology file. The expansion of the topology file (adding crystallographic parameters) is performed by prepare_xray_prmtop() method of The files are written to data/output/1wou. Note that the script automatically reads the number of residues from the topology file and uses it during the refinement (heating, evolution and cooling stages).

If you wish to employ a 2x2x2 supercell model instead of the unit cell model, please, open the file and add .sc postfix to the name of the folder in the main() function (i.e. replace prepared with

  1. Finally, run the refinement job locally by executing:

Alternatively, if you want to use a different machine, you should employ LocalSlurmWorker remote runner and execute python instead. NB: Don't forget to adjust paths that are sourced and exported (in essence, environmental variables should be defined similar to step 3). The results will be written to data/output/1wou.

Water picking, B-factors refinement and MolProbity reports generation

Historically, these tasks were executed separately from the Amber-based pipeline. The related files can be found in the tools/phenix_tasks directory. Please, adjust the paths in the accordingly before running it. The first argument of the script should be the path to the PDB file, the second one - the path to the MTZ file.

Batch refinement (summary of commands)

# Copy the structures (PDB and MTZ files) from a given directory to `data/input/`
python tools/

# Create Amber coordinate/topology (rst7, parm7 and corresponding pdb) files
python tools/

# Generate MD protocols
# Note: change the list of structure you wish to iterate through

# Run MD protocols

Development of the pipeline

Set up environment

python3.9 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -U pip wheel setuptools

Install dependencies

pip install pip-tools
pip-sync requirements-dev.txt
pre-commit install

Run linters

# Pre-commit hooks
pre-commit run --all-files

Update requirements



Amber-based refinement protocol






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