JavaFX image viewer for slices of a CT Scan's data set. Completed as part of a graphics assignment at university.
My first attempt at implementing:
- Nearest neighbour image resizing
- Bilinear interpolation image resizing
- Gamma correction lookup table
- Set of thumbnails all rendered inside an image (no GUI layouts used)
- Clone this repository and open as a project in IntelliJ IDEA. Ensure you are using the Java 17 JDK.
- Run the main method of
The CTHead data set is sourced from The Stanford Volume Data Archive (University of North Carolina) (archived link).
Direct download (archived link).
These datasets are in the public domain. Neither the University of North Carolina nor Stanford University objects to your further distributing these files, but we request that full acknowledgement of the source of the data ("University of North Carolina") accompany such distribution. If you are going to send one of these data sets to someone, please also send the accompanying information file (*.info below) and this (clickable) announcement file.