Maps aria-description to accessibilityHint on native and on web polyfills with aria-describedby to link to a hidden <p>
containing the description.
If you pass aria-describedby
on web as a prop it won't override it.
To install react-native-aria-description:
npm install react-native-aria-description
Wrap your component with withAriaDescription
import {View, Text, Button} from 'react-native'
+import {withAriaDescription} from 'react-native-aria-description'
+const CustomButton = withAriaDescription(Button, {web: {useEffect: true}})
export default function App() {
return (
<Text>Open up App.tsx to start working on your app!</Text>
- <Button
+ <CustomButton
title="Press me"
- accessibilityHint="Pressing this button will print a statement in the console."
+ aria-description="Pressing this button will print a statement in the console."
onPress={() => console.log('button has been pressed')}
{web: {useEffect: true}}
is required on components that don't propagate the props into the web element.
If you want the web element to use aria-description
instead of the aria-describedby
polyfill then call with false
: withAriaDescription(Button, {web: {replaceWithDescribedBy: false}})