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Development Setup

Prerequisites Software

  • Python 3.6.9 (or 3.6.x)

  • Any decent text editor (e.g. Notepad++ )

  • PyCharm Community Edition

  • Git Client 2.22.x or better

For CDK pipelines

Technology Stater Links

  1. Markdown: For this readme documentation
  2. CDK
  3. PyGreSQL (use DB-API)

Local Development Box Setup

  1. Ensure python, git executables are in your PATH variable.

  2. Checkout code using git clone into a directory, say: ROOT

    git clone

  3. Change directory to ROOT

    cd $ROOT

  4. Create Python Virtual environment. Make sure you are using virtualenv belonging to python 3.6.x

    1. Linux/macOS : virtualenv venv
  5. Open Terminal and activate your virtual environment and install external python modules via below command:

    (Windows): venv\Scripts\activate

    pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

  6. Configure the project in PyCharm IDE

    1. Open python code root directory via menu

    File | Open... | Open File or Folder (choose $ROOT)

  7. Once opened, configure the Project Interpreter (Python executable)

    Note:- PyCharm may already detected venv automatically. So you may not need to perform this step.

    File | Settings | Project: aws-glue-python-kickstart| Project Interpreter

    In Settings dialog box, click on settings button in front of Project Interpreter dropdown box
    and select Add..
    In Add Python Interpreter dialog box choose Existing environment option
    and select (windows) $ROOT/venv/Scripts/python path.
    Click OK to close the dialog box
    Now ensure or choose the newly added virtual environment in the drop down field (on top)
    Click Apply to apply change.

  8. Configure the pytest as default integrated test runner.

    Note:- PyCharm may already detected pytest as default runner automatically. So you may not need to perform this step.

    File | Settings | Tools | Python Integrated Tools

    Chose py.test in dropdown field Default test Runner:
    and click on Apply button

  9. Configure default run configuration

    Run | Edit Configurations...

     > File | Settings | Tools | Python Integrated Tools

    Navigate to Templates > Python panel
    For field Working Directory choose project root path ($ROOT)

    Navigate to Templates > Python tests > pytest
    For field Working Directory choose project root path ($ROOT)
    and click on OK button to close the Run/Debug Configurations dialog box.

  10. For setting any OS ENVIRONMENT variable, you can create the .env file at root folder by copying the file .env.template. This file is meant to host environment variable meaningful for your local environment only. So never commit this.

  11. Add Source directories



  1. Activate the venv, if not already done

    cd $ROOT
    (windows) venv/Scripts/activate

  2. Code Build

    No compilation required (as of now)

  3. Python Code style check (report at target/flake-reports/index.html)

    See setup.cfg#flake8 section for custom PEP-8 rule configuration


    Note:- You may use # flake8: noqa for disabling inspection on any code line

  4. Python Unit Test (report at target/pytest-report.html)

    You can run all unit test cases from PyCharm too by right clicking on tests directory and Run pytests in tests option


  5. Python Unit Test with code Coverage (target/coverage-reports/index.html)

    See setup.cfg#coverage:report section for configuration and coverage threshold

    pytest --cov=osiris --cov-report html --cov-report term

    1. Cover code under package osiris
    2. Generate html report and
    3. Generate terminal report
  6. Generating .whl files for Glue Shell Jobs

    python package

    1. Generate artifacts under dist/ directory.
  7. Run CDK

    cdk synth [--toolkit-stack-name stackname ]

    cdk deploy

    cdk destroy


AWS Glue Python Job Kick Start







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