Run your Ruby tests! Supports RSpec, Test::Unit/MiniTest, Konacha, and Cucumber.
For more information, check out the
(available in Vim after installation :help vroom
Check out vundle or pathogen.vim and then install:
Add the following to your .vimrc
after vundle setup:
Plugin 'skalnik/vim-vroom'
and remember to run :PluginInstall
Copy and paste:
$ cd ~/.vim/bundle
$ git clone 'git://'
If you're using MacVim & (rbenv or rvm) and your tests are running under the wrong Ruby version, check out this fix.
I first stumbled upon this snippet of code in Gary Bernhardt's .vimrc, and have modified it, turned it into a plugin and begun improving it. Steven Harman also provided inspiration in the creation of the plugin, cucumber support, and Gemfile detection.