A plugin to generate image from source code.
- denops.vim
- Deno v1.25.0 or later
- xclip(only Linux)
Please refer silicon's dependencies
NOTE: You don't have to install silicon
" Generate image from current buffer and save to out.png
:Silicon out.png
" Generate image from specified range and save to clipboard
The following options can customize the image.
let g:silicon_options = {
\ 'font': 'Cica',
\ 'no_line_number': v:false,
\ 'no_round_corner': v:false,
\ 'no_window_controls': v:false,
\ 'background_color': '#aaaaff',
\ 'line_offset': 1,
\ 'line_pad': 2,
\ 'pad_horiz': 80,
\ 'pad_vert': 100,
\ 'shadow_blur_radius': 0,
\ 'shadow_color': '#555555',
\ 'shadow_offset_x': 0,
\ 'shadow_offset_y': 0,
\ 'tab_width': 4,
\ 'theme': 'Solarized (dark)',
\ }