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Presentations page

How to build them

The presentations were built using Marp and using Visual Studio Code with the Marp plugin installed.

If presentation only uses built-in marp features

Open the presentation inside VS Code and you'll be able to view, edit, and build the presentations.

Alternatively, from the CLI just run npx @marp-team/marp-cli {NameOfPresentation}.md -o {NameOfPresentation}.html to convert the presentation into html.

If you want to use markdown-it plugins for your presentation

  1. Make sure you have markdown-it engine installed locally by running npm install markdown-it --save-dev
  2. Make sure you have plugin installed locally by running npm install {Plugin Name} --save-dev
  3. Add the plugin in engine.js as per it's instructions and similar to the existing examples already in engine.js
  4. When building the presentation, you'd have to use marp-cli and provide an engine by running npx @marp-team/marp-cli --html --engine {Path to engine} {Path to presentation}. For example if you're in the DDD Fireside chat folder, you can run:
    • npx @marp-team/marp-cli --html --engine ../engine.js
  5. If marp is installed locally the command would be npx marp --html --engine {Path to engine} {Path to presentation}