A clone of myfitnesspal (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/).
- Comprehensive walk-through with a pre-populated demo account
- Food database uses data imported from the USDA
- Appropriate redirects for users who are not logged in
- Calculates BMR and calorie goals based on user-provided attributes
- Tracks calorie intake and displays calories remaining
- Allows user interaction, including friendships, messages, and a newsfeed
- Archived food diary entries are searchable
- has_one, belongs_to, has_many, and has_many :through relationships
- Secure password digest storage using BCrypt
- before_filter on controllers
- before_validation on models
- Testing with RSPEC
- Semantic HTML and CSS
- Reduce bloat and complexity to bump code climate score
- Use Backbone.js for adding foods and searching for foods
- Create graphs for user reports
- Allow users to have favorite foods
- Build models for recipes and custom meals