Installing dependencies
#!/bin/bash # get google-test framework and boost libraries sudo apt-get install googletest libpthread-workqueue0 libboost-all-dev # building and installing google-test library cd /usr/src/googletest sudo cmake . sudo make sudo make install
Debug build [ default ]
mkdir build cd build cmake .. make
Release build
mkdir build cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release make
Running tests in build directory
make test
Running tests individually in build directory
./bin/testlibprop --gtest_filter="[TEST_NAME]"
./bin/testlibprop --gtest_filter="PropertyLibTest.ValidTraceNotOperator"
- Temporal operators
- G, Y, O, S
- Relational operator
- EQ
- Logical operators
- EQ is applied to a TermVar only e.g
(EQ x)
- Rest of the operators take inputs of type HyperProp
- Parser is case sensitive
⚠️ . All keywords should be in capital case in the formula and paranthesis should be put appropriately. Please refer to the grammar or examples below.
Grammar (TODO: update the grammar)
varexpr := lparen >>
( not_expr
| or_expr
| and_expr
| implies_expr
| gexpr
| yespr
| oexpr
| sexpr
>> rparen
not_expr := "NOT" >> termexpr
or_expr := "OR" >> termexpr >> termexpr
and_expr := "AND" >> termexpr >> termexpr
implies_expr := "IMPLIES" >> termexpr >> termexpr
gexpr := "G" >> termexpr
yexpr := "Y" >> termexpr
oexpr := "O" >> termexpr
sexpr := "S" >> termexpr
termexpr := varexpr
| (lparen >> eqlexpr >> rparen)
| selexpr
eqlexpr := "EQ" >> identifier
selexpr := identifier >> "." >> uint
identifier := ([a-z A-Z]) >> *([a-z A-Z 0-9])
lparen := "("
rparen := ")"
Some examples
- (S (EQ y) (EQ x))
- (G (OR (EQ x) (EQ y)))