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Produce and consumer type-safe messages from RabbitMQ queues


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Produce and consumer type-safe messages from RabbitMQ queues


Add as Composer dependency:

$ composer require skrz/bunny-bundle

Then add BunnyBundle to Symfony Kernel:

use Skrz\Bundle\BunnyBundle\SkrzBunnyBundle;

class AppKernel

    public function registerBundles()
        return [
            new SkrzBunnyBundle()



BunnyBundle connects Skrz\Meta and Skrz\Bundle\AutowiringBundle, so that you can produce and consume type-safe messages to/from RabbitMQ.

BunnyBundle creates new 2 new stereotypes (see AutowiringBundle's description):

  • @Consumer - consumer starts listening for messages on given queue/exchange. Whenever message arrives, handleMessage method is called.
  • @Producer - producers must inherit from Skrz\Bundle\BunnyBundle\AbstractProducer. They publish type-safe messages to specified exchanges.

When BunnyBundle is added to the Symfony kernel, it registers 3 commands:

  • bunny:setup - creates exchanges, queues and bindings between them according to configuration.
  • bunny:consumer - starts given consumer.
  • bunny:producer - utility command that takes JSON-serialized message, routing key and sends it using given producer. Useful for debugging.

Setup in services.yml

BunnyBundle uses bunny container extension key.

  host:          # default:
  port: %bunny.port%          # default: 5672
  vhost: %bunny.vhost%        # default: /
  user: %bunny.user%          # default: guest
  password: %bunny.password%  # default: guest 
  # make heartbeat as long as longest message processing time in any consumer might take
  heartbeat: 120 # in seconds = 2 minutes, default: 60 seconds

      durable: true  # durable means exchange won't be deleted on broker restart
      type: topic    # topic exchanges route messages by given routing key
                     # see
                     # other possible types: direct, fanout, headers
      durable: true
      type: topic
        - exchange: change  # RabbitMQ-specific functionality = exchange-to-exchange bindings
          routing_key: "#" 

      durable: true
        - exchange: change
          routing_key: "change.product.#"

After you have configured all exchanges, queues and bindings between them, run bunny:setup:

$ ./console bunny:setup

Broker entities should be created as configured.

Note that bunny:setup does not try to resolve any conflicting declarations, e.g. one time you declare queue as durable and the seconds time as not durable, you have to resolve these yourself.

Writing producers

Our example will be async processing of changes in data. Suppose you have products an categories and want to automatically categorize products according to product title and category title. However, the categorization algorithm is quite expensive, so it has to be done async. We will publish any change in product or category to change exchange.

Start with data model:

class Product

    /** @var int */
    protected $id;
    /** @var string */
    protected $title;
    // ... getters, setters, etc.

class Category

    /** @var int */
    protected $id;
    /** @var string */
    protected $title;
    // ... getters, setters, etc.


class Change

    /** @var Product  change in product */
    protected $product;
    /** @var Category  change in category */
    protected $category;
    /** @var string  which hostname the change happened on */
    protected $hostname;
    /** @var int  which user made the change */
    protected $userId;
    // ... getters, setters, etc.

Producer - ChangeProducer - will publish changes to change exchange. Producers have beforeMethod setting - a method on producer that is called before message is serialized and sent to broker. We will pre-process message and set $hostname and $userId.

use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorage;

 * @Producer(
 *     exchange="change",
 *     beforeMethod="preProcessMessage",
 *     meta="ChangeMeta"
 * )
class ChangeProducer extends AbstractProducer

	 * @var TokenStorage
	 * @Autowired
	public $tokenStorage;

	public function preProcessMessage(Change $change)


meta points to *Meta class, that will be used to serialized messages.

You can test producer from command line:

$ ./console b:p --help
 bunny:producer producer-name message [routing-key]

 producer-name         Name of the producer.
 message               Message JSON string.
 routing-key           Message's routing key.
$ ./console bunny:producer Change '{"product":{"id":121,"title":"Razor blades"}}' change.product.test

Writing consumers

When writing a consumer using BunnyBundle, think of following: consumers can fail - should messages of a failed consumer be redelivered? If so, you should create queue in services.yml and consume from given queue. If not, you should specify exchange in @Consumer annotation - an anonymous queue will be created on consumer startup.

We want messages to be redelivered, so product_categorize queue has been created, consumer will consumer from it.

use Bunny\Client;
use Bunny\Message;

 * @Consumer(
 *     queue="product_categorize",
 *     meta="ChangeMeta",
 *     maxMessages=1000,
 *     maxSeconds=3600.0,
 *     prefetchCount=1
 * )
class ProductCategorizeConsumer
    public function handleMessage(Change $change, Message $message, Channel $channel)
        // ... expensive product categorization algorithm ...
  • maxMessagesmaxSeconds - you should always run your consumer under some supervisor, e.g. supervisord. PHP can leak memory, after specified number of messages processed / seconds running, consumer will do clean shutdown (flush all messages, disconnect from RabbitMQ) and exit with code 0 - supervisor should automatically restart it.
  • prefetchCount - if you have more consumer processes consuming from the same queue in parallel, set prefetchCount=1 to evenly distribute the work between consumers

Known limitations

  • If processing of a messages takes longer then heartbeat timeout, RabbitMQ will disconnect client a consumer will crash. It is more of a limitation of PHP (no threads). Heartbeat has to be set high enough.


The MIT license. See LICENSE file.


Produce and consumer type-safe messages from RabbitMQ queues







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