Script that uses shell-translation script for translate from any language to specicied language.
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install ansi2html
sudo apt-get install xdotool xsel xclip zenity
chmod +x trans
chmod +x englishtospanish
chmod +x spanishtoenglish
sudo mv trans /usr/local/bin
sudo mv englishtospanish /usr/local/bin
sudo mv spanishtoenglish /usr/local/bin
Go to system settings -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Add a custom shortcut and assign a key to it.
Select a piece of text and apply the shortcut that you have assigned to script for translate the selected text. By default translator is set to deepL engine, you can modify script and change it.
- 0.1
- First Release.
César R. Cid Méndez – @YourTwitter –
Credits to by his awesome translation script.
Distributed under the GPL license. See LICENSE
for more information.