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Allows to add algo switching support to *any* stratum miner. Zero fees.


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Meta Miner: allows to add algo switching support to any stratum miner.

Does not add any extra mining fees.

Check mm.js builtin help

Usage: mm.js [<config_file.json>] [options]
Adding algo switching support to *any* stratum miner
<config_file.json> is file name of config file to load before parsing options (mm.json by default)
Config file and options should define at least one pool and miner:
        --pool=<pool> (-p):             <pool> is in pool_address:pool_port format, where pool_port can be <port_number> or ssl<port_number>
        --host=<hostname>:              defines host that will be used for miner connections (localhost by default)
        --port=<number>:                defines port that will be used for miner connections (3333 by default)
        --user=<wallet> (-u):           <wallet> to use as pool user login (will be taken from the first miner otherwise)
        --pass=<miner_id>:              <miner_id> to use as pool pass login (will be taken from the first miner otherwise)
        --perf_<algo>=<hashrate>        Sets hashrate for algo that is: rx/0, rx/wow, defyx, cn/r, cn-pico/trtl, cn-heavy/xhv, cn/gpu, argon2/chukwa, k12, c29s, c29v
        --algo_min_time=<seconds>       Sets <seconds> minimum time pool should keep our miner on one algo (0 default, set higher for starting miners)
        --miner=<command_line> (-m):    <command_line> to start smart miner that can report algo itself
        --<algo>=<command_line>:        <command_line> to start miner for <algo> that can not report it itself
        --watchdog=<seconds> (-w):      restart miner if is does not submit work for <seconds> (600 by default, 0 to disable)
        --hashrate_watchdog=<percent>:  restart miner if is hashrate dropped below <percent> value of of its expected hashrate (0 by default to disable)
        --miner_stdin:                  enables stdin (input) in miner
        --quiet (-q):                   do not show miner output during configuration and also less messages
        --verbose (-v):                 show more messages
        --debug:                        show pool and miner messages
        --log=<file_name>:              <file_name> of output log
        --no-config-save:               Do not save config file
        --help (-help,-h,-?):           Prints this help text

Check for list of possible algo names.

Sample mm.json (to use with xmrig v2.99.0+ located in the same directory)

 "miner_host": "",
 "miner_port": 3333,
 "pools": [
 "algos": {
  "cn/1": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
  "cn/2": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
  "cn/r": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
  "cn/fast": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
  "cn/half": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
  "cn/xao": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
  "cn/rto": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
  "cn/rwz": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
  "cn/zls": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
  "cn/double": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
  "cn/gpu": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
  "cn-heavy/0": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
  "cn-heavy/tube": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
  "cn-heavy/xhv": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
  "cn-pico": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
  "rx/0": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
  "rx/wow": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
  "rx/loki": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
  "rx/arq": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
  "rx/sfx": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
  "rx/v": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
  "argon2/chukwa": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
  "argon2/wrkz": "./xmrig --config=config.json",
  "c29s": "./SwapReferenceMiner/SwapReferenceMinerCLI mode=rolling",
  "c29v": "./MoneroVMiner/bin/MoneroVMiner"
 "algo_perf": {
  "rx/0": 243.6,
  "cn/r": 49.8,
  "cn/gpu": 12.9,
  "cn-heavy/xhv": 30.5,
  "cn-pico/trtl": 0,
  "rx/wow": 282.2,
  "defyx": 0,
  "argon2/chukwa": 4725.4,
  "k12": 0,
  "c29s": 0,
  "c29v": 0,
  "rx/loki": 243.6,
  "rx/v": 243.6,
  "cn/0": 49.8,
  "cn/1": 49.8,
  "cn/2": 49.8,
  "cn/wow": 49.8,
  "cn/fast": 99.6,
  "cn/half": 99.6,
  "cn/xao": 49.8,
  "cn/rto": 49.8,
  "cn/rwz": 66.39999999999999,
  "cn/zls": 66.39999999999999,
  "cn/double": 24.9,
  "cn-heavy/0": 30.5,
  "cn-heavy/tube": 30.5,
  "c29s": 0.0953125,
  "c29v": 0.25125
 "algo_min_time": 0,
 "user": "44qJYxdbuqSKarYnDSXB6KLbsH4yR65vpJe3ELLDii9i4ZgKpgQXZYR4AMJxBJbfbKZGWUxZU42QyZSsP4AyZZMbJBCrWr1",
 "pass": "x",
 "log_file": null,
 "watchdog": 600,
 "hashrate_watchdog": 0

General configuration guidelines

  • Configure your miners to connect to the single localhost:3333 (non SSL/TLS) pool.

  • For best results separate xmr-stak/xmrig CPU and GPU miners (by using --noCPU, --noAMD, --noNVIDIA options for xmr-stak).

  • Prepare your miner config files that give the best performance for your hardware on cryptonight, cryptonight-heavy, cryptonight-pico, randomx, randomx/wow, randomx/arq algorithm classes (not needed for xmrig v2.99+).

  • If you have several miners on one host use mm.js --port option to assign them to different ports.

  • Additional mm.js pools will be used as backup pools.

  • To rerun benchmark for specific algorithm class use --perf_algo=0 option.

The configuration guide below is for stock xmrig. For xmr-stak/rx check configuration guide for xmr-stak. For c29 algo check configuration guide for cuckaroo29.

Usage examples on Windows

Place mm.exe or mm.js (with nodejs installed) into unpacked miner directory either by:

Usage example with xmrig on Windows

  • Download and unpack the lastest xmrig-amd (

  • Modify config.json file in xmrig directory this way and adjust it for the best threads performance (out of scope of this guide):

    • Set "url" to "localhost:3333"
    • Set "user" to "44qJYxdbuqSKarYnDSXB6KLbsH4yR65vpJe3ELLDii9i4ZgKpgQXZYR4AMJxBJbfbKZGWUxZU42QyZSsP4AyZZMbJBCrWr1" (put your Monero wallet address)
  • Run Meta Miner (or use "node mm.js" instead of mm.exe):

mm.exe -m="xmrig-amd.exe --config=config.json"

Usage examples on Linux (Ubuntu 18.04)

Get node and Meta Miner (mm.js) in the miner directory:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
chmod +x mm.js

Usage example with xmrig on Linux

  • Get xmrig:
tar xf xmrig-5.4.0-xenial-x64.tar.gz
cd xmrig-5.4.0
  • Prepare configs for different algorithms (put your Monero wallet address):
sed -i 's/"url": *"[^"]*",/"url": "localhost:3333",/' config.json
sed -i 's/"user": *"[^"]*",/"user": "44qJYxdbuqSKarYnDSXB6KLbsH4yR65vpJe3ELLDii9i4ZgKpgQXZYR4AMJxBJbfbKZGWUxZU42QyZSsP4AyZZMbJBCrWr1",/' config.json
  • Run Meta Miner:
./mm.js -m="./xmrig --config=config.json"

Developer Donations

If you'd like to make a one time donation, the addresses are as follows:

  • XMR - 44qJYxdbuqSKarYnDSXB6KLbsH4yR65vpJe3ELLDii9i4ZgKpgQXZYR4AMJxBJbfbKZGWUxZU42QyZSsP4AyZZMbJBCrWr1
  • AEON - WmsEg3RuUKCcEvFBtXcqRnGYfiqGJLP1FGBYiNMgrcdUjZ8iMcUn2tdcz59T89inWr9Vae4APBNf7Bg2DReFP5jr23SQqaDMT
  • ETN - etnkQMp3Hmsay2p7uxokuHRKANrMDNASwQjDUgFb5L2sDM3jqUkYQPKBkooQFHVWBzEaZVzfzrXoETX6RbMEvg4R4csxfRHLo1
  • SUMO - Sumoo1DGS7c9LEKZNipsiDEqRzaUB3ws7YHfUiiZpx9SQDhdYGEEbZjRET26ewuYEWAZ8uKrz6vpUZkEVY7mDCZyGnQhkLpxKmy
  • GRFT - GACadqdXj5eNLnyNxvQ56wcmsmVCFLkHQKgtaQXNEE5zjMDJkWcMVju2aYtxbTnZgBboWYmHovuiH1Ahm4g2N5a7LuMQrpT
  • MSR - 5hnMXUKArLDRue5tWsNpbmGLsLQibt23MEsV3VGwY6MGStYwfTqHkff4BgvziprTitbcDYYpFXw2rEgXeipsABTtEmcmnCK
  • ITNS - iz53aMEaKJ25zB8xku3FQK5VVvmu2v6DENnbGHRmn659jfrGWBH1beqAzEVYaKhTyMZcxLJAdaCW3Kof1DwTiTbp1DSqLae3e
  • WOW - Wo3yjV8UkwvbJDCB1Jy7vvXv3aaQu3K8YMG6tbY3Jo2KApfyf5RByZiBXy95bzmoR3AvPgNq6rHzm98LoHTkzjiA2dY7sqQMJ
  • XMV - XvyVfpAYp3zSuvdtoHgnDzMUf7GAeiumeUgVC7RTq6SfgtzGEzy4dUgfEEfD5adk1kN4dfVZdT3zZdgSD2xmVBs627Vwt2C3Ey
  • RYO - RYoLsi22qnoKYhnv1DwHBXcGe9QK6P9zmekwQnHdUAak7adFBK4i32wFTszivQ9wEPeugbXr2UD7tMd6ogf1dbHh76G5UszE7k1
  • XTL - Se3Qr5s83AxjCtYrkkqg6QXJagCVi8dELbHb5Cnemw4rMk3xZzEX3kQfWrbTZPpdAJSP3enA6ri3DcvdkERkGKE518vyPQTyi
  • XHV - hvxyEmtbqs5TEk9U2tCxyfGx2dyGD1g8EBspdr3GivhPchkvnMHtpCR2fGLc5oEY42UGHVBMBANPge5QJ7BDXSMu1Ga2KFspQR
  • TUBE - bxcpZTr4C41NshmJM9Db7FBE5crarjaDXVUApRbsCxHHBf8Jkqjwjzz1zmWHhm9trWNhrY1m4RpcS7tmdG4ykdHG2kTgDcbKJ
  • LOKI - L6XqN6JDedz5Ub8KxpMYRCUoQCuyEA8EegEmeQsdP5FCNuXJavcrxPvLhpqY6emphGTYVrmAUVECsE9drafvY2hXUTJz6rW
  • TRTL - TRTLv2x2bac17cngo1r2wt3CaxN8ckoWHe2TX7dc8zW8Fc9dpmxAvhVX4u4zPjpv9WeALm2koBLF36REVvsLmeufZZ1Yx6uWkYG
  • XTNC - XtazhSxz1bbJLpT2JuiD2UWFUJYSFty5SVWuF6sy2w9v8pn69smkUxkTVCQc8NKCd6CBMNDGzgdPRYBKaHdbgZ5SNptVH1yPCTQ
  • IRD - ir3DHyB8Ub1aAHEewMeUxQ7b7tQdWa7VL8M5oXDPohS3Me4nhwvALXM4mym2kWg9VsceT75dm6XWiWF1K4zu8RVQ1HJD8Z3R9
  • ARQ - ar4Ha6ZQCkKRhkKQLfexv7VZQM2MhUmMmU9hmzswCPK4T3o2rbPKZM1GxEoYg4AFQsh57PsEets7sbpU958FAvxo2RkkTQ1gE
  • XWP - fh4MCJrakhWGoS6Meqp6UxGE1GNfAjKaRdPjW36rTffDiqvEq2HWEKZhrbYRw7XJb3CXxkjL3tcYGTT39m5qgjvk1ap4bVu1R
  • BTC - 3BzvMuLStA388kYZ9nudfm8L22937dSPS3
  • BCH - qrhww48p5s6zw9twhc7cujgwp7vym2k4vutem6f92p
  • ETH - 0xCF8BABC074C487Ae17F9Ce0394eab492E6A35658
  • LTC - MCkjQo99VzoeZQ1piDzLDb4uqNSDRZpx55


Allows to add algo switching support to *any* stratum miner. Zero fees.







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