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Proxy tutorial

Xiaohui Zhao edited this page Dec 28, 2018 · 4 revisions

Skypool proxy tutorial

Step 1: ssh to your proxy server

you should record your public IP (e.g. in this example)

Step 2: download the proxy in your server

use command: wget

Step 3: unzip the proxy & cd to the proxy directory

use command: unzip skypool-nimiq-proxy-v0.0.1-linux-x64 && cd skypool-nimiq-proxy-v0.0.1-linux-x64

Step 4: make sure your port is open

use command: sudo ufw allow 8080 in Ubuntu

also make sure the server provider config allow your port 8080 open to public

Step 5: config proxy

you can config the proxy with proxy_config.txt, for example, changing the target Skypool server

Step 6: start proxy

use command: ./skypool-node-proxy to start in foreground or nohup ./skypool-node-proxy & to start in background.

And you can also add parameters with command line: ./skypool-node-proxy --proxyServerPort=<proxyServerPort> --server=<server> [--miningAddress=<miningAddress>]

Step 7: change your miner config file server to your server ip, or use command line instead to start mining with proxy

use command: ./skypool-node-client --address=<address> [--name=<name>] [--thread=<thread>] [--server=<server>] [--percent=<percent>] [--cpu=<cpu>]

Step 8: now you can check the proxy works