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Cooperate with famous plugins

Linwei edited this page Feb 15, 2021 · 25 revisions


simply add a few lines in your .vimrc to get cooperate with vim-fugitive:

command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=file Make AsyncRun -program=make @ <args>

The '@' sign is a separator to indicate following string is the parameters of 'make'.

After fugitive commit: 17db9ca , You are required to provide your own asynchronous Gpush and Gfetch:

command! -bang -bar -nargs=* Gpush execute 'AsyncRun<bang> -cwd=' .
          \ fnameescape(FugitiveGitDir()) 'git push' <q-args>
command! -bang -bar -nargs=* Gfetch execute 'AsyncRun<bang> -cwd=' .
          \ fnameescape(FugitiveGitDir()) 'git fetch' <q-args>

Now Gpush and Gfetch in vim-fugitive can be started with asyncrun.

It is unwise to add a ':Make' command directly in asyncrun.vim, which may lead to conflict with other plugins. After adding these lines, Gpush and Gfetch in vim-fugitive now can behave like a common asyncrun command:

One more thing, don't forget to disable plugins like vim-dispatch and vim-build-tools-wrapper, which will override your :Make definition in your .vimrc to get it work.


errormarker is a plugin to highlights and sets error markers for lines with compile errors. It is very handy and has more than 5K downloads in

This plugin relys on an autocmd named QuickFixCmdPost make which will be triggered at the end of ':make' command. And we can trigger that autocmd by setting "g:asyncrun_auto" to "make":

let g:asyncrun_auto = "make"

This will execute an "doautocmd QuickFixCmdPre make" before executing and "doautocmd QuickFixCmdPost make" after job finished, which will get errormaker to read and process the content of quickfix window:

Now when any AsyncRun command completes, errormaker will show the markers and ballons on the errors and warnings of source file. It's pretty cool.

Here you may ask, "it is a very useful autocmd why doesn't asyncrun trigger it by default ?"

Because many people may set a quickfixpost command to translate encoding in quickfix window like below, which will cause a strange experience with asyncrun:

	function QfMakeConv()
	   let qflist = getqflist()
	   for i in qflist
	      let i.text = iconv(i.text, "cp936", "utf-8")
	   call setqflist(qflist)

	au QuickfixCmdPost make call QfMakeConv()

This piece of code is from :h QuickFixCmdPost-example, many non-english-speaking people use it. setqflist will make the cursor of quickfix window rewind to the first line, it's innocuity in the old days, but very ugly with async jobs.

There is also a local autocmd option -auto=? if you want to trigger the autocmd just for the current command:

:AsyncRun -auto=make gcc %

So, both "g:asyncrun_auto" and "-auto=?" can get errormaker to work.


Add these lines to your .vimrc:

let g:asyncrun_status = ''
let g:airline_section_error = airline#section#create_right(['%{g:asyncrun_status}'])

Now, we have vim-airline displaying the status of AsyncRun, you can adjust the position where g:asyncrun_status located by reading the help of airline.

(this page is still been editing in progress ...)