A (n)vim plugin for going to, and echoing, definitions and declarations in Erlang source code.
- Go to definition under cursor, either using the same window or in a new split (horizontal or vertical)
- Echo the definition under the cursor without going to it
- Open the definition under the cursor in a floating window (requires a recent version of neovim)
- List all definitions under cursor and select the one you want to go to/echo (useful for going to a function with a certain arity, or if for example a type and a function have the same name)
These are the definitions are declarations that are supported, and where they can exist:
- Functions (current module, external modules)
- Records (current module, included headers)
- Macros (current module, included headers)
- Types (current module, included headers, external modules)
- Opaques (current module, included headers, external modules)
- Variables (current module)
These mappings are defined by default
Go to first found definition<C-W>d
Go to first found definition in horizontal split<C-W><C-D>
Go to first found definition in vertical split[d
Echo first found definition[D
List all found definitions
To define your own mappings, do
nmap {yourmapping} <Plug>erlgoto_edit
nmap {yourmapping} <Plug>erlgoto_split
nmap {yourmapping} <Plug>erlgoto_vsplit
nmap {yourmapping} <Plug>erlgoto_echo
nmap {yourmapping} <Plug>erlgoto_float
nmap {yourmapping} <Plug>erlgoto_interactive
where {yourmapping}
is the mapping you want to use. Set
to 1 to not define any default mappings. (If you
define your own mappings, you don't need to set g:erlgoto_no_mappings
to 1,
the plugin won't overwrite your mappings).
To find external modules, the vim findfile
function is used by default. You
can optionally add your own function to find the module if findfile is
unsuccessful. Do this by providing a Funcref to g:ErlgotoFindFile
. For
example, if your function is called MyFindFile
, you would do
let g:ErlgotoFindFile = function('MyFindFile')
Your function must take exactly one argument, the module name with the .erl
extension and return the path to this module. The path can be absolute or
relative to the current working directory. If no path is found, return an empty
Please open an issue if something is not working, you need help or have an idea for additional features :)