Model Driven Software Development Project (Elite Graduate Program, Summer Term 2017). University of Augsburg / Technical University of Munich / Ludwig-Maximilian University.
Implementation of: Hennicker, Rolf, and Alexander Knapp. "Activity-driven synthesis of state machines." Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (2007): 87-101.
- Install the latest version of Eclipse Modelling Tools:
- Open up Eclipse and click Help->Install Modelling Components and install the following components
- Acceleo
- Operational QVT
- Sirius
- XText
- Papyrus
- OCL Tools
- Clone the repo and import it by right clicking on your Project Explorer -> Import -> General-> Existing Projects into Workspace. Browse the SSDToStateMachine Project and import the project. Make sure that the Copy projects into workspace is NOT checked.
- If your IDE cannot resolve the custom defined URIs (in our case something like mm:...) then right click on the project (SSDToStateMachines) -> QVT Settings -> Metamodel Settings.
Click Add and make sure the following three metamodels point to the correct .ecore files:
- mm:sequequencediagram should point to SSDToStateMachine/metamodels/sequencediagram.ecore
- mm:behaviour should point to SSDToStateMachine/metamodels/behaviour.ecore
- mm:ioautomaton should point to SSDToStateMachine/metamodels/ioautomaton.ecore
In order to run the project you will need to create a run configuration.
- After you've imported the project, click on the Run arrow symbol in Eclipse and select Run Confirgurations
- On the left side search for Operational QVT Interpreter and double click on it to create a new run configuration
- Set the transformation module to platform:/resource/SSDToStateMachine/transforms/0Transformation.qvto
- In the Transformation parameters section set the IN Model to platform:/resource/SSDToStateMachine/models/atm.uml . This file contains the two scenarios that are described in the paper.
- In the Transformation parameters set the OUT Model to platform:/resource/SSDToStateMachine/result/Transformation.uml The generated model will be written to this file.
- Jan Göbel (slashburn)
- Katja Ludwig (kaulquappe23)
- Jens Wöhrle (SweetyGott)
- Alexander Knapp (supervisor)
- State Machine design: In each state, there is only one method in the do activity. If n actions are done in the do activity (as described in the paper cf. pp. 98), a chain of states is generated. This is an implementation detail and simplifies recursive calls. This doesn't change the state machine's behavior.
- User message (consistent with paper): An arbitrary actor (user or system actor) is sending a message to a user (in our implementation the user could also send a message to himself)
- System message (consistent with paper): An arbitrary actor (user or system actor) is sending a message to a system actor (e.g. atm, bank, consortium)
- User and system communications are distinguished by their message type (asnc -> usermessage, sync -> system message)
Check out the following tutorials to learn more about QVTO:
- Nolte, Siegfried. QVT-Relations Language. Springer Science & Business Media, 2009.