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Utility Object

Yakov Veromeev edited this page Jan 12, 2023 · 3 revisions


Module: sldt/utilsObject Each function is imported as an import member (there is no default export)

import { isNumber } from "sldt/utilsObject";


Check if value is not empty (null or undefined)

Returns true if value is not null and not undefined

function isDefined(value: any): boolean

Check if value is number

A shortcut for typeof value === "number", additionally checks if it is finite number. Returns true if var is a number.

function isNumber(probableNumber: any): boolean

In fact, returns typescript's value is number, such notation helps in if clauses, because embedded IDE tools will recognize it and hint you with string methods.

if (isNumber(response)) {
    console.log(response. /// here you'll see the number methods like split and replace

Check if value is function

A shortcut for typeof value === "function". Returns true if var is a number. Useful if you accept a callback from somewhere and need to check that you received a function.

function isFunction(probableFunction: any): boolean

In fact, returns typescript's value is function, such notation helps in if clauses, because embedded IDE tools will recognize it and hint you with string methods.

@api visibleValueTransform;

get showValue() {
    if (isFunction(this.visibleValueTransform)) {
        return this.visibleValueTransform(this.value);
    return this.value

Check that the value is an object (and not null)

function isObject(probableObject: any): boolean

As well, returns probableString is object to help IDE type system recognize an object.

Filter objects properties to remain only required

function objectFilterProperties<T>(
    source: {[key: string]: T},
    filterer: (string[]|(value: T, key: string) => boolean)
): boolean

(key may also be a number or symbol)

filterer parameter can be either a function that works the same way as Array.filter, or a list of allowed properties

import {isArray} from "sldt/utilsArray"; // add one other sldt lib :)

// cut oppIds=>OLI to object with opportunity id which have an array
function getOpportunityIdsWithLines(/**@type{{[oppId: string]: OLI[]}}*/linesByOpportunityId) {
    return objectFilterProperties(linesByOpportunityId, (olis) => isArray(olis))
import {isArray} from "sldt/utilsArray"; // add one other sldt lib :)

// publish change on only part of the state
class OpportunityProductPicker {
    state = {
        opportunity: {},
        opportunityLineItems: [],
        pricebook: {}
        productsAvailable: []
    fireOpportunityAndLinesUpdate() {
        this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('oppupdate', {
            detail: objectFilterProperties(this.state, ['opportunity', 'opportunityLineItems']);

Map objects properties to change key and/or value

function objectMapProperties<T,V>(
    source: {[key:string]: T},
    mapper: (value: T, key: string, sourceObject: {[key:string]: T}) => {key?: string, value: V}
): {[key:string]: V}

source is a source object to transform; mapper is a function very likely to an array mapper, but it must return an object with value and optional key properties. This is done in order to adjust both key and value at the same time.

// in a grouped Opportunity Line Item list, remove the lines with 0 amount
function filterOnlyValidOLI(olisByOpportunityId) {
    return objectMapProperties(olisByOpportunityId, (olis) => ({
        value: olis.filter(oli => (isNumber(oli?.UnitPrice) && oli.UnitPrice > 0))