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Scripts and notes for setting up SCC clusters

Tips and gotchas from previous years

  • at ISC, the students weren't given static IP addresses, a DHCP server assigned them
    • we can set up to use a dhcp-assigned address too, try it

Using a NUC as the head node

  • nice idea, and convenient for the initial setup, but some things to be prepared for:

    • if making a partition alongside Windows, will probably need to shrink the C: volume so centos installer can make a linux partition
      • in windows, disable hibernation, pagefile and system protection - these put files at the back of the partition and prevent it from shrinking (can re-enable them afterwards)
    • once install progresses, it will look for base repo etc. I had issue in that it couldn't use the one on usb stick (not sure why, but maybe changing the grub.cfg (and therefore the md5sum of the image) caused the problem)
    • it doesn't have much memory! and even less storage, so it's good for provisioning but not as a full head node
    • it's also really slow/underpowered
    • if using OrangeFS, and IB for compute nodes, it seems tempting to build OrangeFS with two interfaces (tcp, IB) .. don't do this! it slows everything down hugely. Just don't mount OrangeFS on the NUC
  • only has one ethernet port, but can make virtual interfaces on it to mux the external network, the internal net and the mgmt net. See and

    (basically: in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts add a new file ifcfg-em1:0, mostly copied from ifcfg-em1 and stripped down. Include bootproto="static", defroute="no", device="em1:0", ipaddr="", prefix=24 gateway=

    • note static ip for internal etc network

    • check it with ip addr

    • note that NetworkManager screws up this, and NAT, and who knows what else - disable it:

      systemctl stop NetworkManager
      systemctl disable NetworkManager

Making and using the USB installer

  • Unetbootin on Mac does not make a usb drive bootable, need to do that explicitly (2017, so might have been fixed now)

  • in the iso, /EFI/boot/grub.cfg points to boot locations by label .. so the USB stick label needs to match what is there

    • if windows is involved at all, make sure label is short and all caps, eg "CENTOS7"
    • (with windows, can edit label by right clicking it in file explorer when stick is mounted)
    • use vim to edit grub.cfg so the label there matches the usb stick. Note it is case sensitive!
  • the dvd iso seems to work better than the minimal install iso

  • if the usb stick has room, copying the iso to the stick (yes so it is effectively there twice) can solve some problems later (especially with Windows, see NUC notes)

  • 2018 motherboard didn't cope with some graphics setting in Centos, so we got to the grub screen and after that the screen flashed and everything froze. Hit 'e' to edit the grub line and remove things like 'quiet' and graphicsy things. If all else fails, when installing Centos select the "Troubleshooting" option and there is an "install simpler version" option there - that works.

After first boot:

  • If using NVMe SSD, kernel won't automagically see it

    lspci shows it, but lsblk does not

  • Reason is that nvme.ko kernel module is needed

  • for compute nodes: add:

    drivers += kernel/drivers/nvme/

    into /etc/warewulf/bootstrap.conf and re-create the vnfs

  • check that date, timezone is correct / ntp doing correct thing

  • probably need to disable selinux


  • The attacks start almost immediately. First thing is to setup basic security:

    • in /etc/ssh/sshd_config set:
      PermitRootLogin no
      PasswordAuthentication no
    • If want to be paranoid, and users are only coming in from certain networks, can also do eg:
      AllowUsers *@128.55.216.*
    • then systemctl restart sshd
  • At NERSC, setup MFA according to:

  • A NESSUS scan revealed some vulnerabilities:

  • General tips:

    • minimal install (don't run what you don't need)
    • no root ssh
    • no sudo (just su -, if necessary)
    • find the setuid programs, do we need them? remove setuid if not
    • make sure that nothing in root's $PATH is writable by root (or anyone)
    • know what normally runs on the system, and alert when something unusual appears (new name, new number of copies, etc)
    • unset histfile in bash is a bad sign! (someone is covering something)
    • lsof -i .. check what is listening to network, does it need to be?


  • see 'vitual interfaces' note in NUC notes above

  • for compute nodes to be able to see outside network, need to setup NAT via iptables on master node:

sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1   # do in /etc/sysctl.conf for persistent
sysctl -p    # to actually trigger it at runtime
[root@scc sleak]# iptables -X
[root@scc sleak]# iptables -F
[root@scc sleak]# iptables -t nat -X
[root@scc sleak]# iptables -t nat -F
[root@scc sleak]# iptables -I INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
[root@scc sleak]# iptables -I FORWARD -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
[root@scc sleak]# iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -o enp3s0 -j MASQUERADE
  • to persist iptables over reboot: (older sys v init.d method, but seems to be still correct way):
/sbin/service iptables save
  • on compute node need:
     route add default gw
    • add it to the provisioning:

      wwsh node set \* -D eth0 for existing nodes

    • and/or, add it to /etc/warewulf/defaults/node.conf on master

RPM dependency hell

  • how to make a dummy rpm to fix false missing dependency

    mkdir -p ~/rpmbuild/{RPMS,SRPMS,BUILD,SOURCES,SPECS,tmp}
    cat <<EOF >~/.rpmmacros
    %_topdir   %(echo $HOME)/rpmbuild
    %_tmppath  %{_topdir}/tmp
    cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS
    [steve@scc SPECS]$ cat fixlibstcc++.spec
    Name:           fixlibstcc++.spec
    Version:        1.0.0
    Release:        0
    Summary:        adds missing symlink to /usr/lib64/ from/usr/lib
    Group:          Development/Libraries
    License:        public domain
    Vendor:         Steve Leak
    Prefix:         %{_prefix}
    BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root
    Provides:     /usr/lib/
    dummy package to meet a missing requires
    if  ! -e /usr/lib/ ; then
      ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib
    if  -h /usr/lib/ ; then
      rm /usr/lib/
    [steve@scc SPECS]$ ll ../
    total 8
    drwxrwxr-x 8 steve steve 4096 May 29 03:09 BUILD
    drwxr-xr-x 2 steve steve   10 Jun  4 17:01 BUILDROOT
    drwxrwxr-x 4 steve steve   44 May 28 17:58 RPMS
    drwxrwxr-x 4 steve steve 4096 Jun  4 16:45 SOURCES
    drwxrwxr-x 2 steve steve   38 Jun  4 17:04 SPECS
    drwxrwxr-x 2 steve steve   10 May 28 06:20 SRPMS
  • then: rpmbuild -ba SPECS/intel-compxe-doc.spec (if you have files, might need to create them under BUILDROOT)

    [steve@scc SPECS]$ cd ../RPMS/x86_64
    [steve@scc SPECS]$ sudo yum install fixlibstdc++.rpm
  • here's another one that works for making rpm db believe a package is installed

    Name:           intel-compxe-doc.spec
    Version:        2016
    Release:        0
    Summary:        trick yum into thinking this dependency is met
    Group:          Development/Libraries
    License:        public domain
    Vendor:         Steve Leak
    Prefix:         %{_prefix}
    BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root
    Provides:       intel-compxe-doc
    dummy package to meet a missing requires
    %dir %attr(0755, root, root) "/opt/intel"


scripts and notes for setting up SCC clusters






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