This repository handles import of presentation files (only PPTX and ODP for now) which are transformed to appropiate HTML for creation of deck and slides (sent to deck-service).
The PPTX2HTML library is used for parsing the PPTX (powerpoint presentation format) to HTML. See ( on Github, and see ( for a demo.
You want to check out this cool service? Simply start the service and head over to: http://localhost:3000/documentation. We're using swagger to have this super cool API discovery/documentation tool.
You can use Docker to build, test and run your application locally. Simply edit the Dockerfile and run:
docker build -t MY_IMAGE_TAG ./
docker run -it --rm -p 8880:3000 MY_IMAGE_TAG
Alternatively you can use docker-compose to run your application in conjunction with a (local) mongodb instance. Simply execute:
docker-compose up -d
Please visit the wiki at Install NodeJS.