rocker/rbase docker image with a selection of packages preinstalled geared to support R-Shiny based webapps.
Here are some example snippets to help you get started creating a container.
docker create
-p 3838:3838
-v path/to/data/source:/01_input
-v path to code:/02_code
-v path/to/data/output:/04_output
--restart unless-stopped
Compatible with docker-compose v2 schemas.
version: "2" services: radarr: image: slink42/rbase_shiny container_name: myshinyapp volumes: - path/to/data/source:/01_input - path to code:/02_code - path/to/data/output:/04_output ports: - 3838:3838 restart: unless-stopped
Container images are configured using parameters passed at runtime (such as those above). These parameters are separated by a colon and indicate <external>:<internal>
respectively. For example, -p 8080:80
would expose port 80
from inside the container to be accessible from the host's IP on port 8080
outside the container.
Parameter | Function |
-p 3838 |
Http port |
-e PUID=1000 |
for UserID - see below for explanation |
-e PGID=1000 |
for GroupID - see below for explanation |
-e TZ=Europe/London |
Specify a timezone to use EG Europe/London. |
-v /01_input |
Placeholder folder for source data mapping. R-Shiny apps can map to this location using ../01_input |
-v /02_code |
The web root for shiny. R shiny code reside here. |
-v /04_output |
Placeholder folder for output data storage. R-Shiny apps can map to this location using ../04_output |
-v /05_logs |
Placeholder folder for log file output. R-Shiny apps can map to this location using ../05_logs |
- aws.s3
- caret
- data.table
- DataExplorer
- devtools
- dotenv
- dplyr
- DT
- dygraphs
- forcats
- formattable
- glue
- googleAuthR
- highcharter
- httr
- ipred
- janitor
- jsonlite
- leaflet
- leaflet.extras
- lubridate
- magick
- magrittr
- Metrics
- plotly
- pool
- purrr
- randomForest
- rattle
- readr
- readxl
- rpart
- rpart.plot
- scales #
- sf
- shiny
- shinycssloaders
- shinycssloaders
- shinydashboard
- shinydashboardPlus
- shinyjs
- shinyWidgets
- skimr
- slackr
- summarytools
- tcltk
- tibbletime
- tidyverse
- timevis
- tmaptools
- vtreat
- wkb
- writexl
- xgboost
- xts