The smack-testsuite project provides a self-contained regression test suite for the Smack Linux Security Module (LSM).
The test suite's source repository is part of the smack-team project and is located on Github at:
The smack-testsuite requires the Smack userspace, which must be built locally.
$ git clone
$ cd smack
$ ./
$ make
$ sudo make install
It also requires the programs bash, make, ifconfig and socat. On a Fedora system these can be installed with:
$sudo dnf install bash make net-tools socat
Note that running the test suite may result in a change to the Smack configuration. While the test suite is designed to reset the system to its prior state there may be cases where this is done imperfectly. This is especially true if the execution of the test suite is interrupted.
The test suite needs to know a non-root user under which some tests will be run. The source contains an example configuration file named config-example. Copy this file to a new file named config and change the line beginning with "notroot=" to specify a the user under which tests should be run.
While the tests are bash scripts there are a few support utilities that are written in C. These are found in the tools directory and must be built prior to running the tests.
$ make -C tools
# make test-results
# make local-results
# make <test-name>
Using the Makefile to run individual tests allows for set-up to be done correctly.