Scripts for build of the openssl lib (for Android x86, x86_6, armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a).
Install Cygwin (including perl, make, gcc for cygwin):
Add path to Cygwin bin:
C:\cygwin64 C:\cygwin64\bin C:\cygwin64\sbin C:\cygwin64\usr\sbin C:\cygwin64\usr\local\bin
Unpack/install Android.ndk; for example:
Add Environment Variable ANDROID_NDK_HOME:
Add to the top of path:
Add to the top of path:
Go to unpacked archive;
create in unpacked directory (OPENSSL sources direcroty) new subdirectory: _build;
cd ./_build;
Note: You can create directory _build somewhere or use some other directory for build. Just you need setup variables in the script:
copy file: here;
setup in
export API_LEVEL=23
setup in
BUILD_TARGETS="armeabi-v7a arm64-v8a x86 x86_64";
i.e. remove unnecessary or add some other platforms;
bash ./
built libs and includes will be copied to:
./libs/arm64-v8a ./libs/armeabi-v7a ./libs/x86 ./libs/x86_64 ./include
This archive contains changed files:
Configurations/15-android.conf; Configure (build of apps is disabled, only build of static libs (.a) is provided);
All paths (in script) should contains only "/" instead "", i.e.:
Path in ANDROID_NDK_HOME should contains only "/" instead "" too.
"" can be used only in PATH:
%ANDROID_NDK_HOME%\toolchains\llvm\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\bin %ANDROID_NDK_HOME%\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\bin as operation system (Windows) requires "\";
open file
and update:
# see if there is NDK clang on $PATH, "universal" or "standalone" if (which("clang") =~ m|^$ndk/.*/prebuilt/([^/]+)/|) { my $host=$1; # harmonize with gcc default my $arm = $ndkver > 16 ? "armv7a" : "armv5te"; (my $tridefault = $triarch) =~ s/^arm-/$arm-/; (my $tritools = $triarch) =~ s/(?:x|i6)86(_64)?-.*/x86$1/; $cflags .= " -target $tridefault " . "-gcc-toolchain \$($ndk_var)/toolchains" . "/$tritools-4.9/prebuilt/$host"; $user{CC} = "clang" if ($user{CC} !~ m|clang|); $user{CROSS_COMPILE} = undef; if (which("llvm-ar") =~ m|^$ndk/.*/prebuilt/([^/]+)/|) { $user{AR} = "llvm-ar"; $user{ARFLAGS} = [ "rs" ]; $user{RANLIB} = ":"; } } elsif (-f "$ndk/AndroidVersion.txt") { #"standalone toolchain" my $cc = $user{CC} // "clang"; # One can probably argue that both clang and gcc should be # probed, but support for "standalone toolchain" was added # *after* announcement that gcc is being phased out, so # favouring clang is considered adequate. Those who insist # have option to enforce test for gcc with CC=gcc. if (which("$triarch-$cc") !~ m|^$ndk|) { die "no NDK $triarch-$cc on \$PATH"; } $user{CC} = $cc; $user{CROSS_COMPILE} = "$triarch-"; } elsif ($user{CC} eq "clang") { die "no NDK clang on \$PATH"; } else { if (which("$triarch-gcc") !~ m|^$ndk/.*/prebuilt/([^/]+)/|) { die "no NDK $triarch-gcc on \$PATH"; } $cflags .= " -mandroid"; $user{CROSS_COMPILE} = "$triarch-"; }
my $host=$1; # harmonize with gcc default my $arm = $ndkver > 16 ? "armv7a" : "armv5te"; (my $tridefault = $triarch) =~ s/^arm-/$arm-/; (my $tritools = $triarch) =~ s/(?:x|i6)86(_64)?-.*/x86$1/; $cflags .= " -target $tridefault " . "-gcc-toolchain \$($ndk_var)/toolchains" . "/$tritools-4.9/prebuilt/$host"; $user{CC} = "clang" if ($user{CC} !~ m|clang|); $user{CROSS_COMPILE} = undef; if (which("llvm-ar") =~ m|^$ndk/.*/prebuilt/([^/]+)/|) { $user{AR} = "llvm-ar"; $user{ARFLAGS} = [ "rs" ]; $user{RANLIB} = ":"; }
i.e. should be executed code, that "clang" is found (as 'clang' is used instead 'gcc');
open file (perl script)
and update:
$config{dirs} = [ "crypto", "ssl", "engines", "apps", "test", "util", "tools", "fuzz" ];
$config{dirs} = [ "crypto", "ssl", "engines" ];
i.e. build of apps and other modules should be excepted (only static libs .a);
Add Environment Variables ANDROID_NDK_HOME and ANDROID_SDK_HOME:
export ANDROID_SDK_HOME=/home/strgs/sdb.07/sman/sdk/android/android-sdk.cur export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=/home/strgs/sdb.07/sman/sdk/android/android-ndk-r21d
Add follow path to $PATH Environment Variable:
export PATH=${ANDROID_NDK_HOME}/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin:${PATH};
Go to unpacked archive;
Open file (perl script) "Configure"
and update this line:
$config{dirs} = [ "crypto", "ssl", "engines", "apps", "test", "util", "tools", "fuzz" ];
$config{dirs} = [ "crypto", "ssl", "engines" ];
i.e. build of apps and other modules should be excepted (only static libs .a);
Create in unpacked directory (OPENSSL sources direcroty) new subdirectory: _build;
cd ./_build;
Note: You can create directory _build somewhere or use some other directory for build. Just you need setup variables in the script:
copy file: here;
setup in
export API_LEVEL=23;
setup in
BUILD_TARGETS="armeabi-v7a arm64-v8a x86 x86_64";
i.e. remove unnecessary or add some other platforms;
bash ./
built libs and includes will be copied to:
./libs/arm64-v8a ./libs/armeabi-v7a ./libs/x86 ./libs/x86_64 ./include