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Pascal Pfiffner edited this page Jan 27, 2016 · 3 revisions

Currently the best way to obtain the framework is via git. It is also available as CocoaPod.

Via git

Using, navigate to your project directory and execute:

$ git clone --recursive

This will download the latest codebase and all dependencies of the master branch. To use a different branch, e.g. the develop branch, add -b develop to the clone command or checkout the appropriate branch after cloning. Once this process completes open your app project in Xcode and add SwiftSMART.xcodeproj:

Adding to Xcode

Now link the framework to your app:


  1. Make your App also build the framework
  2. Link it
  3. Embed the framework in your app (as of Xcode 6.2, this step happens in the "General" tab)
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