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FUN-1130: Move Functions Coordinator v1.1 to production folder (#11431)
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justinkaseman committed Nov 30, 2023
1 parent c21f4ff commit 55b696e
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Showing 5 changed files with 1,107 additions and 0 deletions.
391 changes: 391 additions & 0 deletions contracts/src/v0.8/functions/v1_1_0/FunctionsBilling.sol
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@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import {IFunctionsSubscriptions} from "../v1_0_0/interfaces/IFunctionsSubscriptions.sol";
import {AggregatorV3Interface} from "../../shared/interfaces/AggregatorV3Interface.sol";
import {IFunctionsBilling} from "../v1_0_0/interfaces/IFunctionsBilling.sol";

import {Routable} from "../v1_0_0/Routable.sol";
import {FunctionsResponse} from "../v1_0_0/libraries/FunctionsResponse.sol";

import {SafeCast} from "../../vendor/openzeppelin-solidity/v4.8.3/contracts/utils/math/SafeCast.sol";

import {ChainSpecificUtil} from "./libraries/ChainSpecificUtil.sol";

/// @title Functions Billing contract
/// @notice Contract that calculates payment from users to the nodes of the Decentralized Oracle Network (DON).
abstract contract FunctionsBilling is Routable, IFunctionsBilling {
using FunctionsResponse for FunctionsResponse.RequestMeta;
using FunctionsResponse for FunctionsResponse.Commitment;
using FunctionsResponse for FunctionsResponse.FulfillResult;

uint256 private constant REASONABLE_GAS_PRICE_CEILING = 1_000_000_000_000_000; // 1 million gwei

event RequestBilled(
bytes32 indexed requestId,
uint96 juelsPerGas,
uint256 l1FeeShareWei,
uint96 callbackCostJuels,
uint96 totalCostJuels

// ================================================================
// | Request Commitment state |
// ================================================================

mapping(bytes32 requestId => bytes32 commitmentHash) private s_requestCommitments;

event CommitmentDeleted(bytes32 requestId);

// ================================================================
// | Configuration state |
// ================================================================

struct Config {
uint32 fulfillmentGasPriceOverEstimationBP; // ══╗ Percentage of gas price overestimation to account for changes in gas price between request and response. Held as basis points (one hundredth of 1 percentage point)
uint32 feedStalenessSeconds; // ║ How long before we consider the feed price to be stale and fallback to fallbackNativePerUnitLink.
uint32 gasOverheadBeforeCallback; // ║ Represents the average gas execution cost before the fulfillment callback. This amount is always billed for every request.
uint32 gasOverheadAfterCallback; // ║ Represents the average gas execution cost after the fulfillment callback. This amount is always billed for every request.
uint72 donFee; // ║ Additional flat fee (in Juels of LINK) that will be split between Node Operators. Max value is 2^80 - 1 == 1.2m LINK.
uint40 minimumEstimateGasPriceWei; // ║ The lowest amount of wei that will be used as the tx.gasprice when estimating the cost to fulfill the request
uint16 maxSupportedRequestDataVersion; // ═══════╝ The highest support request data version supported by the node. All lower versions should also be supported.
uint224 fallbackNativePerUnitLink; // ═══════════╗ Fallback NATIVE CURRENCY / LINK conversion rate if the data feed is stale
uint32 requestTimeoutSeconds; // ════════════════╝ How many seconds it takes before we consider a request to be timed out

Config private s_config;

event ConfigUpdated(Config config);

error UnsupportedRequestDataVersion();
error InsufficientBalance();
error InvalidSubscription();
error UnauthorizedSender();
error MustBeSubOwner(address owner);
error InvalidLinkWeiPrice(int256 linkWei);
error PaymentTooLarge();
error NoTransmittersSet();
error InvalidCalldata();

// ================================================================
// | Balance state |
// ================================================================

mapping(address transmitter => uint96 balanceJuelsLink) private s_withdrawableTokens;
// Pool together collected DON fees
// Disperse them on withdrawal or change in OCR configuration
uint96 internal s_feePool;

AggregatorV3Interface private s_linkToNativeFeed;

// ================================================================
// | Initialization |
// ================================================================
constructor(address router, Config memory config, address linkToNativeFeed) Routable(router) {
s_linkToNativeFeed = AggregatorV3Interface(linkToNativeFeed);


// ================================================================
// | Configuration |
// ================================================================

/// @notice Gets the Chainlink Coordinator's billing configuration
/// @return config
function getConfig() external view returns (Config memory) {
return s_config;

/// @notice Sets the Chainlink Coordinator's billing configuration
/// @param config - See the contents of the Config struct in IFunctionsBilling.Config for more information
function updateConfig(Config memory config) public {

s_config = config;
emit ConfigUpdated(config);

// ================================================================
// | Fee Calculation |
// ================================================================

/// @inheritdoc IFunctionsBilling
function getDONFee(bytes memory /* requestData */) public view override returns (uint72) {
return s_config.donFee;

/// @inheritdoc IFunctionsBilling
function getAdminFee() public view override returns (uint72) {
return _getRouter().getAdminFee();

/// @inheritdoc IFunctionsBilling
function getWeiPerUnitLink() public view returns (uint256) {
Config memory config = s_config;
(, int256 weiPerUnitLink, , uint256 timestamp, ) = s_linkToNativeFeed.latestRoundData();
// solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time
if (config.feedStalenessSeconds < block.timestamp - timestamp && config.feedStalenessSeconds > 0) {
return config.fallbackNativePerUnitLink;
if (weiPerUnitLink <= 0) {
revert InvalidLinkWeiPrice(weiPerUnitLink);
return uint256(weiPerUnitLink);

function _getJuelsFromWei(uint256 amountWei) private view returns (uint96) {
// (1e18 juels/link) * wei / (wei/link) = juels
// There are only 1e9*1e18 = 1e27 juels in existence, should not exceed uint96 (2^96 ~ 7e28)
return SafeCast.toUint96((1e18 * amountWei) / getWeiPerUnitLink());

// ================================================================
// | Cost Estimation |
// ================================================================

/// @inheritdoc IFunctionsBilling
function estimateCost(
uint64 subscriptionId,
bytes calldata data,
uint32 callbackGasLimit,
uint256 gasPriceWei
) external view override returns (uint96) {
_getRouter().isValidCallbackGasLimit(subscriptionId, callbackGasLimit);
// Reasonable ceilings to prevent integer overflows
revert InvalidCalldata();
uint72 adminFee = getAdminFee();
uint72 donFee = getDONFee(data);
return _calculateCostEstimate(callbackGasLimit, gasPriceWei, donFee, adminFee);

/// @notice Estimate the cost in Juels of LINK
// that will be charged to a subscription to fulfill a Functions request
// Gas Price can be overestimated to account for flucuations between request and response time
function _calculateCostEstimate(
uint32 callbackGasLimit,
uint256 gasPriceWei,
uint72 donFee,
uint72 adminFee
) internal view returns (uint96) {
// If gas price is less than the minimum fulfillment gas price, override to using the minimum
if (gasPriceWei < s_config.minimumEstimateGasPriceWei) {
gasPriceWei = s_config.minimumEstimateGasPriceWei;

uint256 gasPriceWithOverestimation = gasPriceWei +
((gasPriceWei * s_config.fulfillmentGasPriceOverEstimationBP) / 10_000);
/// @NOTE: Basis Points are 1/100th of 1%, divide by 10_000 to bring back to original units

uint256 executionGas = s_config.gasOverheadBeforeCallback + s_config.gasOverheadAfterCallback + callbackGasLimit;
uint256 l1FeeWei = ChainSpecificUtil._getCurrentTxL1GasFees(;
uint96 estimatedGasReimbursementJuels = _getJuelsFromWei((gasPriceWithOverestimation * executionGas) + l1FeeWei);

uint96 feesJuels = uint96(donFee) + uint96(adminFee);

return estimatedGasReimbursementJuels + feesJuels;

// ================================================================
// | Billing |
// ================================================================

/// @notice Initiate the billing process for an Functions request
/// @dev Only callable by the Functions Router
/// @param request - Chainlink Functions request data, see FunctionsResponse.RequestMeta for the structure
/// @return commitment - The parameters of the request that must be held consistent at response time
function _startBilling(
FunctionsResponse.RequestMeta memory request
) internal returns (FunctionsResponse.Commitment memory commitment) {
Config memory config = s_config;

// Nodes should support all past versions of the structure
if (request.dataVersion > config.maxSupportedRequestDataVersion) {
revert UnsupportedRequestDataVersion();

uint72 donFee = getDONFee(;
uint96 estimatedTotalCostJuels = _calculateCostEstimate(

// Check that subscription can afford the estimated cost
if ((request.availableBalance) < estimatedTotalCostJuels) {
revert InsufficientBalance();

uint32 timeoutTimestamp = uint32(block.timestamp + config.requestTimeoutSeconds);
bytes32 requestId = keccak256(
request.initiatedRequests + 1,
// solhint-disable-next-line avoid-tx-origin

commitment = FunctionsResponse.Commitment({
adminFee: request.adminFee,
coordinator: address(this),
client: request.requestingContract,
subscriptionId: request.subscriptionId,
callbackGasLimit: request.callbackGasLimit,
estimatedTotalCostJuels: estimatedTotalCostJuels,
timeoutTimestamp: timeoutTimestamp,
requestId: requestId,
donFee: donFee,
gasOverheadBeforeCallback: config.gasOverheadBeforeCallback,
gasOverheadAfterCallback: config.gasOverheadAfterCallback

s_requestCommitments[requestId] = keccak256(abi.encode(commitment));

return commitment;

/// @notice Finalize billing process for an Functions request by sending a callback to the Client contract and then charging the subscription
/// @param requestId identifier for the request that was generated by the Registry in the beginBilling commitment
/// @param response response data from DON consensus
/// @param err error from DON consensus
/// @param reportBatchSize the number of fulfillments in the transmitter's report
/// @return result fulfillment result
/// @dev Only callable by a node that has been approved on the Coordinator
/// @dev simulated offchain to determine if sufficient balance is present to fulfill the request
function _fulfillAndBill(
bytes32 requestId,
bytes memory response,
bytes memory err,
bytes memory onchainMetadata,
bytes memory /* offchainMetadata TODO: use in getDonFee() for dynamic billing */,
uint8 reportBatchSize
) internal returns (FunctionsResponse.FulfillResult) {
FunctionsResponse.Commitment memory commitment = abi.decode(onchainMetadata, (FunctionsResponse.Commitment));

uint256 gasOverheadWei = (commitment.gasOverheadBeforeCallback + commitment.gasOverheadAfterCallback) * tx.gasprice;
uint256 l1FeeShareWei = ChainSpecificUtil._getCurrentTxL1GasFees( / reportBatchSize;
// Gas overhead without callback
uint96 gasOverheadJuels = _getJuelsFromWei(gasOverheadWei + l1FeeShareWei);
uint96 juelsPerGas = _getJuelsFromWei(tx.gasprice);

// The Functions Router will perform the callback to the client contract
(FunctionsResponse.FulfillResult resultCode, uint96 callbackCostJuels) = _getRouter().fulfill(
gasOverheadJuels + commitment.donFee, // cost without callback or admin fee, those will be added by the Router

// The router will only pay the DON on successfully processing the fulfillment
// In these two fulfillment results the user has been charged
// Otherwise, the Coordinator should hold on to the request commitment
if (
resultCode == FunctionsResponse.FulfillResult.FULFILLED ||
resultCode == FunctionsResponse.FulfillResult.USER_CALLBACK_ERROR
) {
delete s_requestCommitments[requestId];
// Reimburse the transmitter for the fulfillment gas cost
s_withdrawableTokens[msg.sender] = gasOverheadJuels + callbackCostJuels;
// Put donFee into the pool of fees, to be split later
// Saves on storage writes that would otherwise be charged to the user
s_feePool += commitment.donFee;
emit RequestBilled({
requestId: requestId,
juelsPerGas: juelsPerGas,
l1FeeShareWei: l1FeeShareWei,
callbackCostJuels: callbackCostJuels,
totalCostJuels: gasOverheadJuels + callbackCostJuels + commitment.donFee + commitment.adminFee

return resultCode;

// ================================================================
// | Request Timeout |
// ================================================================

/// @inheritdoc IFunctionsBilling
/// @dev Only callable by the Router
/// @dev Used by FunctionsRouter.sol during timeout of a request
function deleteCommitment(bytes32 requestId) external override onlyRouter {
// Delete commitment
delete s_requestCommitments[requestId];
emit CommitmentDeleted(requestId);

// ================================================================
// | Fund withdrawal |
// ================================================================

/// @inheritdoc IFunctionsBilling
function oracleWithdraw(address recipient, uint96 amount) external {

if (amount == 0) {
amount = s_withdrawableTokens[msg.sender];
} else if (s_withdrawableTokens[msg.sender] < amount) {
revert InsufficientBalance();
s_withdrawableTokens[msg.sender] -= amount;
IFunctionsSubscriptions(address(_getRouter())).oracleWithdraw(recipient, amount);

/// @inheritdoc IFunctionsBilling
/// @dev Only callable by the Coordinator owner
function oracleWithdrawAll() external {

address[] memory transmitters = _getTransmitters();

// Bounded by "maxNumOracles" on OCR2Abstract.sol
for (uint256 i = 0; i < transmitters.length; ++i) {
uint96 balance = s_withdrawableTokens[transmitters[i]];
if (balance > 0) {
s_withdrawableTokens[transmitters[i]] = 0;
IFunctionsSubscriptions(address(_getRouter())).oracleWithdraw(transmitters[i], balance);

// Overriden in FunctionsCoordinator, which has visibility into transmitters
function _getTransmitters() internal view virtual returns (address[] memory);

// DON fees are collected into a pool s_feePool
// When OCR configuration changes, or any oracle withdraws, this must be dispersed
function _disperseFeePool() internal {
if (s_feePool == 0) {
// All transmitters are assumed to also be observers
// Pay out the DON fee to all transmitters
address[] memory transmitters = _getTransmitters();
uint256 numberOfTransmitters = transmitters.length;
if (numberOfTransmitters == 0) {
revert NoTransmittersSet();
uint96 feePoolShare = s_feePool / uint96(numberOfTransmitters);
// Bounded by "maxNumOracles" on OCR2Abstract.sol
for (uint256 i = 0; i < numberOfTransmitters; ++i) {
s_withdrawableTokens[transmitters[i]] += feePoolShare;
s_feePool -= feePoolShare * uint96(numberOfTransmitters);

// Overriden in FunctionsCoordinator.sol
function _onlyOwner() internal view virtual;

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