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Redis Stream

Build & Test

A Golang library for robust Redis Streams consumption with:

  1. Consumer Groups for once-per-message processing.
  2. Redsync locks to prevent duplicates across multiple workers.
  3. Auto-reclaim (XAUTOCLAIM) to recover stuck pending messages.
  4. Optional ephemeral “publish lock” to skip concurrent duplicates.
  5. Exponential backoff for repeated failures.
  6. Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) support for over-limit messages.
  7. Universal Client for single-node, cluster, or sentinel setups.
  8. Concurrency Limit to throttle simultaneous message handling.
  9. Automatic stale-consumer removal (clears out “dead” consumers to reclaim messages).
  10. Auto-rejoin if the current consumer was forcibly removed from the group.


go get

Quick Usage Example

Below is a simplified demonstration:

package main

import (


func main() {
    ctx := context.Background()

    cfg := redstream.Config{
        StreamName:         "myStream",
        GroupName:          "myGroup",
        ConsumerName:       "myConsumer",
        EnableReclaim:      true,
        ReclaimStr:         "5s",
        ReclaimCount:       10,
        MaxReclaimAttempts: 3,
        MaxConcurrency:     5, // optional concurrency limit
        // Optional DLQ handler for messages that exceed attempts
        DLQHandler: func(ctx context.Context, xMsg *redis.XMessage) error {
            log.Printf("[DLQ] message ID=%s\n", xMsg.ID)
            return nil
        // (Optional) Auto-remove other stale consumers, rejoin if we're removed
        EnableStaleConsumerCleanup: true,
        EnableAutoRejoinOnRemoved:  true,

    // For single node, cluster, or sentinel
    uniOpts := &redis.UniversalOptions{Addrs: []string{"localhost:6379"}}
    stream := redstream.New(uniOpts, cfg)

    // Register your message handler
    stream.RegisterHandler(func(ctx context.Context, fields map[string]string) error {
        // Return an error to test the backoff/reclaim. Otherwise, handle your data here.
        return nil

    if err := stream.StartConsumer(ctx); err != nil {
        log.Fatal("Cannot start consumer:", err)

    // Publish
    msgID, err := stream.Publish(ctx, map[string]any{"foo": "bar"})
    if err != nil {
        log.Println("Publish error:", err)
    } else {
        log.Println("Published message ID:", msgID)

    // Block forever
    select {}

High-Level Flow

  1. Publish: Uses XADD. If DropConcurrentDuplicates=true, a short Redsync lock can skip near-simultaneous duplicates.
  2. Consume: Each message is read with XREADGROUP. On success => XACK + XDEL; on failure => attempts/backoff. If UseDistributedLock=true, only one node processes a given message at a time.
  3. Reclaim: A background loop calls XAUTOCLAIM to reclaim messages stuck in PEL. Retries until MaxReclaimAttempts.
  4. Stale Consumers: If EnableStaleConsumerCleanup=true, periodically removes consumer names that have been idle beyond StaleConsumerIdleThresholdStr, freeing their stuck messages for reclamation.
  5. Auto-Rejoin: If EnableAutoRejoinOnRemoved=true, a consumer that detects it’s been removed by another node automatically re-joins the group.
  6. DLQ: Messages exceeding MaxReclaimAttempts go to DLQHandler (if set). If IgnoreDLQHandlerErrors=false, it’ll remain pending on DLQ errors.
  7. Concurrency Limit: With MaxConcurrency>0, each consumer instance only processes that many messages simultaneously.


Configure via redstream.Config plus *redis.UniversalOptions. Key fields include:

Field Default Description
StreamName required Redis stream name.
GroupName required Consumer group name (auto-created at 0-0 if missing).
ConsumerName auto-generated Must be unique across consumers.
EnableReclaim false Whether to run reclaim logic (XAUTOCLAIM).
ReclaimStr "5s" Frequency of auto-reclaim checks.
MaxReclaimAttempts 3 After this many fails, remove or DLQ the message.
DLQHandler nil Callback for messages that exceed MaxReclaimAttempts.
IgnoreDLQHandlerErrors false If true, remove message even if DLQ fails.
DropConcurrentDuplicates false Adds a brief Redsync lock on Publish to skip duplicates.
MaxConcurrency 10 If >0, concurrency is throttled in processMessage.
StaleConsumerIdleThresholdStr "2m" Consumers idle longer than this are considered “stale” (if EnableStaleConsumerCleanup=true).
EnableStaleConsumerCleanup false If true, we remove “stale” consumers, letting a healthy consumer reclaim their messages.
EnableAutoRejoinOnRemoved false If a consumer sees it was removed, it automatically re-joins the group.
AutoRejoinCheckIntervalStr "30s" Frequency for checking if our consumer name still exists in the group.
UseRedisIdAsUniqueID false If true, use the Redis XMessage.ID for dedup. Otherwise, compute sha256 from message payload.

Deeper Explanation & Best Practices

  • Universal Client:
    redis.NewUniversalClient(...) works for single-node, cluster, or sentinel modes.
  • Redsync Locks:
    With UseDistributedLock=true, each message is locked so only one node processes it at a time.
    With DropConcurrentDuplicates=true, Publish also uses a tiny ephemeral lock.
  • Auto-Reclaim:
    Recovers messages left in the Pending Entries List if a consumer crashed.
  • Exponential Backoff:
    Each re-failed message remains in PEL; we store a “nextBackoffSec” so we skip it until it’s ready again.
  • DLQ:
    Once a message passes MaxReclaimAttempts, it’s removed from the stream. Optionally, DLQHandler is called.
  • Stale Consumers:
    If a consumer remains idle beyond StaleConsumerIdleThresholdStr, we run XGROUP DELCONSUMER, letting other consumers reclaim messages.
    A forcibly removed consumer can rejoin if EnableAutoRejoinOnRemoved=true.
  • Fallback:
    If a Lua script fails (e.g. “NOSCRIPT”), you can do a forced XACK+XDEL to avoid duplicates stuck in pending.


MIT License – open for adaptation & improvement. Issues and contributions are always welcome!