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Smartpay Nodejs SDK

The Smartpay Nodejs SDK offers easy access to Smartpay API from applications written in Nodejs.


Nodejs v12+


npm install --save @smartpay/sdk-node
# or
yarn add @smartpay/sdk-node


The package needs to be configured with your own API keys, you can find them on your dashboard.

const Smartpay = require('@smartpay/sdk-node').default;

const smartpay = new Smartpay('<YOUR_SECRET_KEY>', {
  publicKey: '<YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY>',

If you would like to know how Smartpay payment works, please see the payment flow for more details.

Create Checkout session

(async () => {
  const payload = {
    items: [
        name: 'レブロン 18 LOW',
        amount: 250,
        currency: 'JPY',
        quantity: 1,

    shipping: {
      line1: 'line1',
      locality: 'locality',
      postalCode: '123',
      country: 'JP',

    // Your internal reference of the order
    reference: 'order_ref_1234567',

    // Callback URLs
    successUrl: '',
    cancelUrl: '',

    test: true,

  const session = await smartpay.createCheckoutSession(payload);

The shape of checkout session payload is described in the docuement.

To retreive the session URL

const sessionURL = smartpay.getSessionURL(session);

We also prepare a more real-world example for you to refer to.


Please check the reference document.