Universl flexable json to clickhouse data uploader
FlexETL allows you to load bulk of json files into multiple Clickhouse clusters or servers.
- Watching .json files in directory and convert to binary
- Use binary Clickhouse protocol
- Watching change tables structure in database
- Supports many servers to send
- Sending metrics to graphite
- Sending collected data by interval
- Graceful shutdown
Program start params:
-config_file (Config file) type: string default: "config"
-log_level (Logging level (debug|info|err)) type: string default: "info"
-log_max_file_size (Maximum log file size) type: uint32 default: 1048576
-log_max_files (Maximum number of log files) type: uint32 default: 10
-log_path (Path to log files) type: string default: "/tmp"
-clean_backup (Maximum number of days to store the backup) type: uint32 default: 3
-pid_file (Pid file for check running.) type: string default: "/var/run/flexetl.pid"
-pid_lock (Using Pid file for check running. For disable checking set -pid_file 0) type: uint32 default: 1
./bin/flexetl -config_file ./example/test.cfg -log_level debug -server_name=devnode
Sample of config:
You can use macros in the config that are separated by % characters. Example from test.cfg:
The %server_name% parameter must be set in the startup parameters as -server_name test_server.
- PHP write to two type json files
- FlexETL watching directory
- FlexETL write to ch-cluster1 and ch-cluster2
Example writers:
Create table in clickhouse:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS db_flexetl.tb_table_views
dt DateTime DEFAULT now(),
type LowCardinality(String),
date Date,
count UInt16,
hash Nullable(String)
) ENGINE = Log
Use FlexETL config for two clickhouse hosts
- clickhouse1-1.host2.net
- clickhouse2-2.host3.net
version = "1.0";
metricsHost="graphite.host.net"; // graphite host
//metricsPort="2003"; // graphite port, default 2003
//metricsInterval="60"; // agregate time, default 60 sec
handler="json2click"; // name handler
metrics="flexetl.%server_name%.json."; // root metrics path
watch="/tmp/flexEtlTest/TableViews/"; // [required] path for watching .json files
failed="/tmp/json2click/input/failed"; // [optional] path for bad input files
succeeded="/tmp/json2click/input/succeeded"; // [optional] path to backup true files
output="/tmp/json2click/output"; // [required] path for out files in .cdb format
delay=60; // [optional] time period in second for save out file
blockSize=1000; // [optional] max row count for save out file
handler="pipeset"; // name handler
watch="/tmp/json2click/output"; // [required] path for watching .cdb files
handler="click2db"; // name handler
metrics="flexetl.%server_name%.xad_request.clb."; // root metrics path
tosend="/tmp/json2click/output/1"; // [required] intermidiate dir for sending files
failed="/tmp/json2click/output/1/failed"; // [optional] path for files not sended to CH
badfiles="/tmp/json2click/output/1/badfiles"; // [optional] path for bad input files
table="test.xad_request"; // [required] batabase_name.table_name
handler="click2db"; // name handler
metrics="flexetl.%server_name%.xad_request.clb."; // root metrics path
tosend="/tmp/json2click/output/2"; // [required] intermidiate dir for sending files
failed="/tmp/json2click/output/2/failed"; // [optional] path for files not sended to CH
badfiles="/tmp/json2click/output/2/badfiles"; // [optional] path for bad input files
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