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Releases: smiley22/XPPlugins

MouseButtons v1.0

18 May 12:34
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A plugin that frees up the underused mouse in X-Plane 11 and let's you bind arbitrary commands to any of your mouse buttons and/or mouse wheel.

The plugin uses the same kind of .prf preference files as X-Plane for assigning commands to mouse buttons. Whenever you load up an aircraft, the plugin will look for a preference file with the same name as the aircraft inside the plugin's directory. In other words, when you jump into the Cessna 172SP the plugin will look for a preference file "X Plane 11/Resources/plugins/MouseButtons/Cessna 172SP.prf". If it can't find an aircraft-specific .prf file, it will look for a generic mouse.prf in the same directory.


Simply extract the .zip archive into the plugins directory of your X Plane 11 installation, e.g. X Plane 11\Resources\plugins.

PluginLoader v1.1

06 May 19:28
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This plugin enables dynamic loading und unloading of plugins dll so that one does not need to constantly restart X-Plane 11 during development and testing of plugins under Windows.

The loader looks for any dll files in its directory and attempts to load them as XP11 plugins without locking them. Once a plugin dll has been loaded, the loader then forwards all calls to X-Plane 11's PLUGIN_API function callbacks to the loaded plugin.

The plugin also adds the command Plugin/Reload to XP11 that unloads all loaded plugins from memory and then reloads them from their respective dll file from disk.

CycleQuickLooks v1.1

06 May 19:29
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The plugin adds two new commands that let you cycle through a plane's configured quick looks:

  • CycleQuickLooks/Forward cycles forward to the next quick look
  • CycleQuickLooks/Backward cycles backward to the previous quick look

BetterMouseYoke v1.5

06 May 19:27
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The plugin removes the centered + sign with the squared box around it and instead adds a new command to X-Plane 11 that lets you toggle mouse yoke control on or off. When toggled on, you can

  • move the mouse right to go right,
  • move the mouse left to go left,
  • move the mouse toward you to go up,
  • and move the mouse away from you to go down.

The absolute mouse position on the screen represents the deviation from center of the yoke, i.e.

  • move the mouse to the right edge of the screen to apply full-right yoke,
  • move the mouse to the left edge of the screen to apply full-left yoke,
  • move the mouse to the bottom edge of the screen to apply full-up yoke,
  • and move the mouse to the top edge of the screen to apply full-down yoke.

Additionally, a magenta text indicator is displayed in the upper-left corner of the screen when mouse yoke control is active.

While in mouse yoke mode, press and hold the left mouse button to switch to rudder mode. Two green little bars will appear to the left and to the right of the cursor that indicate the mouse movement range for rudder deflection. Release the left mouse button to transition back into mouse yoke mode. The rudder will then gradually return to the neutral position.

You can find the full README here.

A320UE v1.1

06 May 19:30
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A plugin for the FF A320 Ultimate to make it more enjoyable to fly.

The plugin adds a couple of new commands for operating the thrust levers more comfortably as well as a bunch of other little workarounds and/or features.

More specifically, it adds

  • Synthetic voice V1 callout
  • Detent clicks for IDLE, REVIDLE and FULLREV
  • Commands for moving thrust levers into next/prev detent instantly
  • Commands for gradually moving thrust levers between FULLREV and TOGA continuously

ToggleMouseLook v1.2

05 May 21:00
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A plugin for X-Plane 11 that adds commands for better control of mouse look.

The plugin adds two new commands that mimic the mouse look behaviour of Prepar3D:

  1. Press and hold the assigned key, then move the mouse to look around
  2. Press the assigned key to toggle the mouse look function ON or OFF.


Simply extract the .zip archive into the plugins directory of your X-Plane 11 installation, e.g. X Plane 11\Resources\plugins.