This fork of SnpEff has been adapted for proteogenomics to be used in Spritz.
Pablo Cingolani
- Please download the latest release
- Once unzipped, this folder should have the file
binary in its base directory. - You can then use commands such as those used in Spritz to generate a proteogenomic database for variants, e.g.,
java -Xmx16000M -jar snpEff.jar -v -nostats -fastaProt output.protfa -xmlProt output.protxml reference.gff3 input.vcf > output.ann 2> log.txt
To build SnpEff for Spritz:
- Activate spritz conda environment
conda install maven
- Execute the following commands:
cd SnpEff
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=lib/antlr-4.5.1-complete.jar -DgroupId=org.antlr -DartifactId=antlr -Dversion=4.5.1 -Dpackaging=jar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=lib/biojava3-core-3.0.7.jar -DgroupId=org.biojava -DartifactId=biojava3-core -Dversion=3.0.7 -Dpackaging=jar
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=lib/biojava3-structure-3.0.7.jar -DgroupId=org.biojava -DartifactId=biojava3-structure -Dversion=3.0.7 -Dpackaging=jar
export VERSION=4.3
export VERSION_UND=`echo $VERSION | tr '.' '_'`
mvn clean compile assembly:assembly
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=target/SnpEff-$VERSION.jar -DgroupId=org.snpeff -DartifactId=SnpEff -Dversion=$VERSION -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true --quiet
cp target/SnpEff-$VERSION-jar-with-dependencies.jar snpEff.jar
cd ..
- To create new zip-file release, include everything except the