⌨ Mastering Data Structures and Algorithms.
🕸 Looking Forward to Collaborate on Blockchain and Web-Devlopment Projects.
💲 Currently learning Web3
📫 How to reach me smitsekhadia99@gmail.com , Linkedin
⌨ Mastering Data Structures and Algorithms.
🕸 Looking Forward to Collaborate on Blockchain and Web-Devlopment Projects.
💲 Currently learning Web3
📫 How to reach me smitsekhadia99@gmail.com , Linkedin
Forked from saRvaGnyA/ReachOut-SIH-Prototype
Team TechnoSrats - SIH Project Repository
Forked from saRvaGnyA/SofToken
SofToken - Using NFTs for Software Licensing
Forked from Neel-Shah-29/SOCIABLAST
People can chat , send images , execute various bot features in the chat room discussion. We have also created a great chat room system configuration with high security of Login and Password for ea…
JavaScript 1
A browser extension for insights into GitHub, Gitee projects and developers.
Forked from Jigsaw-23122002/Eth-For-All
CryptoAID is a portal for Charities and Donors aiming to build trust over a decentralised system. The main motto for building such a system is to create confidence among the donors.
This Repo contains codes, solutions & handwritten notes to questions on GFG and Leetcode