Please sign in using these credentials.
email : password : hello
A e-commerce that is built on a MERN STACK.
A fully responsive online retail web application with the UI built with React-Bootstrap. Fully featured shopping cart with products saved to local storage. Products features include reviews and rating which are saved to mongodb. User Authentication with passwords encrypted with bcrypt. User profile page that displays all of users previous orders. Admin features such as the abilty for admin users to create more admin accounts and create new products with an image upload. Admin order page allowing the ability to edit orders. Checkout with saving shipping address and paypal integration(sandbox account)
// Improvements to be made?// Due to the project being a personal project, my git commits are lacking in professionalism and structure with some commits lacking details of any new features added, bugs encountered or what was changed in solutions. I recognise that this is a extremely bad practise and makes it difficult for team members to see what exactly went wrong when debugging.
Integrate a confirmation email feature when order has been paid - maybe use sendgrid api? forgot password functionality? sending an email with a reset token? storing jwt in cookies and not local storage?