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Stuart Blair edited this page Feb 27, 2019 · 2 revisions


Some of the variables in the script can also be set through the Access Point configuration page to allow the code to be used with different setups

/* Configurable within WiFi Access Point */
bool hasTemperature = true;
bool hasHumidity = true;
bool hasLight = true;
bool hasPIR = true;
/* Configurable within WiFi Access Point */
char SensorName[25] ; 
char mqtt_server[16] = ""; 

Other variables for confuration are located near the top of the file.
I have added calibration times to the script to allow sensors to wake up and settle before they are read.
The PIR calibration is initialized on main power up as it is perminatly powered and the others are from when they are powered up in the main program loop.
Bare in mind that all but the PIR are not powered on until THL_rate_limit has elapsed so the actual sample will take place after THL_rate_limit + ???CalibrationTimeMS.

/* Sensor checking & publishing rates */
const int pirCalibrationTimeMS = 30000; //at least 30secs
const int ldrCalibrationTimeMS = 300;
const int dhtCalibrationTimeMS = 1500;
const int PIR_rate_limit = 500; //limit checking to once every ?? ms
const int THL_rate_limit = 60000; //interval in msecs to check temp,humidity,light & only send  if different
const int maxMinutesBetweenSends = 3;

/* Input Pins */
const int thPin = 4;//D2 //temp, humidity pin io 4 has internal pullup
const int pirPin = 5;//D1 //pin for pir
/* Power Pins 3.3v, no pwr pin for PIR as its 5v */
const int ldrPwr = 10;
const int thPwr = 14;

Note: If changing the pin assignments of the power pins, try to avoid using the LED pins

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