Found a Gibberish string or file in the wild and dont know what is it? Throw it to GibberSense, it might try to make some sense out of it.
Being an extensible framework, we are adding more to the capabilities of GibberSense.
Extract Sense out of Gibberish stuff
(An Open Source Initiative by - SECURITY MONX )
Gibber Sense Documentation
File Name : README
Author : @ajithatti
Org : Security Monx
Version : 0.0.1
Purpose : Gives introduction of Gibber Sense
Table Of Contents :
A. Licenses Information
B. Introduction to Gibber Sense
C. Dependencies
D. Using Gibber Sense
E. Features
F. Note
G. Contributors
A. Licenses Information
The Unlicense (
B. Introduction to Gibber Sense
Gibber Sense is a python based tool and extension to LAMMA also known as BCAF (Basic Crypt Analysis Framework) module.
The best use case Gibber Sense is to verify the robustness of encryption libraries if they are free from any backdoor or flaws. But it can also be used to guess type of encryption , hashing schemes, type of encrypted session cookies. If you trying to develop your own secrete encryption scheme, Try and see what GibberSense has to say about it.
Gibber Sense takes 2 types of inputs Strings and Files. Once you feed any gibberish input, it tries to make sense out of it using statistical and basic crypt analysis
Gibber Sense can identify 100 different string formats and can give you directions for further investigations.
For Files, Gibber Sense offers -
* Content type analysis,
* Strings extraction,
* Frequency Analysis,
* Decryption of substitution ciphers,
* Attempts decryption with all popular encryption schemes using null keys,
* Entropy visualization
* XORring
* and pattern analysis.
C. Dependencies : Gibber Sense uses following python modules :
1. magic - Identifies the File Type
pip install python-magic
2. PIL - Python Imaging Library
pip install pil
D. Using Gibber Sense :
- Gibber Sense is a command line tool
$ python
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"Y8888P88 888 88888P" 88888P" "Y8888 888 "Y8888P" "Y8888 888 888 88888P" "Y8888 [-h] [-s] [-f] [-o]
Purpose : Gibber Sense accepts any gibberish string or file and
tries to extract sense out of it
-h [--help] : prints this usage help
-s [--string] : provide a string parameter to Gibber Sense
-f [--file] : proivde a file path parameter to Gibber Sense
-o [--out] : save the result of analysis to this file
Analyze a String
$ python -s "eb5b3ed9d88a9a43d95a4a97958190c0" [+] Processing String eb5b3ed9d88a9a43d95a4a97958190c0 [+] Statistical Analysis : String Length = 32 [+] Findings : May be the string is MD4 Sum May be the string is MD5 Sum May be the string is NTLM Token You can check with if they have cracked this string The string is hexa decimal [+] Analysis complete...
Analyze a file python -f test.pdf
[+] Processing File : test.pdf [+] Gibber Sense Statistical Analysis % of printable ASCII Chars : 38 % of printable LOW Chars : 12 % of printable HIGH Chars : 49 number of printable NULL Chars : 2026 File size in number of Chars : 526477 [+] Findings : The file type is found to be BINARY File Type : PDF document, version 1.4 [+] Suggestions The visualization of file < test.pdf > is stored in < test.pdf.png > [+] Analysis complete... $ python -f rot.txt .pdf [+] Processing File : rot.txt The visualization of file < rot.txt > is stored in < rot.txt.png > [+] Gibber Sense Statistical Analysis % of printable ASCII Chars : 99 % of printable LOW Chars : 0 % of printable HIGH Chars : 0 number of printable NULL Chars : 0 File size in number of Chars : 3568 [+] Findings : The file type is found to be TEXT File Type : UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines [+] Suggestions Looks like an Encoded file. Try decoding or substitution cipher Consider Frequency analysis of the Text file The visualization of file < rot.txt > is stored in < rot.txt.png > [+] Analysis complete...
E. Features :
The Gibber Sense tool is aimed at assist in basic crypt-analysis :
1. BASIC :
Gibber Sense attempts to check if a file conents are text or binary.
Looks for English contents in the Text file.
based on the contents it suggests next course of action.
2. Statistical Analysis :
Gibber Sense provides stastical analysis of text contents.
be able to extend the functionalities easily by adding custom
3. Visualization :
Gibber Sense generated pixel map for the contents of a file to
visually detect the randomness/patterns.
4. Basic Cryptanalysis :
Gibber Sense has scripts to perform rotation ciphers, XOR crypt and
decryption with aes-128-xxx-mode with NULL passwords.
F. Note :
We are putting more analysis behind Gibber Sense. Help us to make it better by reaching us at
a j i t [ a t ] s e c u r i t y m o n x [ d o t ] c o m
1. Ajit Hatti - @ajithatti <twitter handle>